The Eritreans describe the start of the war thus: "after a series of armed incidents during which several Eritrean officials were murdered near the disputed village of Badme, Ethiopia declared total war as on 13 May and mobilized its armed forces for a full-scale assault on Eritrea." (Staff. history(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). Embassy of the State of Eritrea, New Delhi, India. Архівавана з першакрыніцы 9 лютага 2015. Праверана 7 лістапада 2022.)
Murphy, Sean D., The Eritrean-Ethiopian War (1998-2000) (October 4, 2016). Forthcoming in International
Law and the Use of Force: A Case-Based Approach (Oxford University Press, Olivier Corten &Tom Ruys,
eds.) ; GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 2016-52; GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No.
S/RES/1177(руск.). Организация Объединённых Наций. Архівавана з першакрыніцы 25 кастрычніка 2021. Праверана 25 кастрычніка 2021.
The Eritreans describe the start of the war thus: "after a series of armed incidents during which several Eritrean officials were murdered near the disputed village of Badme, Ethiopia declared total war as on 13 May and mobilized its armed forces for a full-scale assault on Eritrea." (Staff. history(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). Embassy of the State of Eritrea, New Delhi, India. Архівавана з першакрыніцы 9 лютага 2015. Праверана 7 лістапада 2022.)
S/RES/1177(руск.). Организация Объединённых Наций. Архівавана з першакрыніцы 25 кастрычніка 2021. Праверана 25 кастрычніка 2021.