papyrus(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). British Museum. Архівавана з першакрыніцы 18 студзеня 2018. Праверана 25 мая 2017.
KAMAS. Малітва сляпога Эхнатона. Невялікае выкрыццё(нявызн.). Конт (9 февраля 2016). — «The discovery you mention was not made at the British Museum, and I have never heard of this prayer, allegedly composed by Akhenaten. Possibly there is some confusion, and the author has heard about Akhenaten's 'Great Hymn to the Aten', which was inscribed in the tomb of Ay at Amarna. A good translation of this can be found in: William J Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt (Atlanta 1995), 112-116. John H Taylor. Assistant Keeper (Curator). Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan. The British Museum»