Matthews, David. As students protest, Belarusian universities aid regime crackdown(англ.). Times Higher Education(укр.) (бел. (2 кастрычніка 2020). — «Universities also help prop up the regime by teaching a mandatory course called “The Fundamentals of Belarusian State Ideology”, introduced in 2003 because of Mr Lukashenko’s fears that professors were spreading seditious ideas about pluralism, democracy and liberalism. This course tends to lean in a pro-Russian direction, cultivating positive memories of the Soviet period, said Mr Milta.» Архівавана з першакрыніцы 5 кастрычніка 2020. Праверана 17 снежня 2020.
Matthews, David. As students protest, Belarusian universities aid regime crackdown(англ.). Times Higher Education(укр.) (бел. (2 кастрычніка 2020). — «Universities also help prop up the regime by teaching a mandatory course called “The Fundamentals of Belarusian State Ideology”, introduced in 2003 because of Mr Lukashenko’s fears that professors were spreading seditious ideas about pluralism, democracy and liberalism. This course tends to lean in a pro-Russian direction, cultivating positive memories of the Soviet period, said Mr Milta.» Архівавана з першакрыніцы 5 кастрычніка 2020. Праверана 17 снежня 2020.
Matthews, David. As students protest, Belarusian universities aid regime crackdown(англ.). Times Higher Education(укр.) (бел. (2 кастрычніка 2020). — «Universities also help prop up the regime by teaching a mandatory course called “The Fundamentals of Belarusian State Ideology”, introduced in 2003 because of Mr Lukashenko’s fears that professors were spreading seditious ideas about pluralism, democracy and liberalism. This course tends to lean in a pro-Russian direction, cultivating positive memories of the Soviet period, said Mr Milta.» Архівавана з першакрыніцы 5 кастрычніка 2020. Праверана 17 снежня 2020.