Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Усходняя Арменія" in Belarusian language version.
Their activity centered on various towns in eastern Armenia, of which Julfa was the most prominent
With the exception of the period of Arabic influence over Armenia during the Caliphate (7th-9th centuries A.D.), this Persian power extended from the time Darius the Great until the early 19th century, when the Russian Empire took over the control of Caucasian Armenia and, increasingly under the Soviet period ….
The province of Nakhichevan, which forms the south-eastern part of Russian Armenia, is divided into two districts— Nakhichevan and Ordoobad
«Hence by the second haf of the eighteenth century, Eastern Armena was composed of four khanates: Erevan, Nakhichevan (which included a number of settlements south of Araxes River), Karabakh (which included Zangezur), and Ganja.»
Only pockets such as Karabagh (Karabakh) and Zangezur in eastern Armenia and Sasun and Zeitun in western Armenia remained autonomous
After repeated rebellions, independence, and reconquest, the last of the Armenian kingdom was conquered by the Arab Mamelukes in 1375. The only reamaining autonomous pockets of Armenian were in Karabakh and Zangezour, bothe in eastern Armenia
Having seized Artasires, he deposed him and united his dominions with Persia (A.D. 428). Eastern Armenia was then called Persarmenia
As the Byzantine frontier moved eastward after the partition of the Armenian Kingdom ca. 387 and again 591, these norms were apparently extended to the newly annexed territories
Nine of these territories were lost in 387, most of them forever; there others — Vaspurakan, Turuberan, and Tayk — emerged only after the Byzantine-Persian partition of Armenia in 591, when the districts of which they were comprised passed under Byzantine control»
In the partition of Armenia between Perisa and Byzantium, most Armenian territory becomes a dependency of Eastern Rome
Араратская долина делит землю армян на две части - восточную и западную. Она же является центром армянской культуры и государственности. Процесс формирования армянской народности в основном завершился в VII-VI вв. до н.э., когда на территории Армянского нагорья возникло первое армянское рабовладельческое государство (Государство Ервандуни), объединившее местные кавказкоязычные и пришлые индоевропейские племена.
Иран вынужден был заключить с Византией договор о дружбе и уступить ей часть Картли до Тбилиси и часть Восточной Армении до озера Ван. На освобождённой от персов части Картли утвердился местный князь. В Албании в конце VI в. возродилась местная государственность во главе с наследственным князем. В оставшихся под властью Ирана частях Картли и Армении иранское правительство также должно было пойти на значительные уступки местной знати. Но положение крестьянства оставалось по-прежнему тяжёлым. После победы Византии над сасанидским Ираном (628 г.) его владычество в странах Закавказья фактически пало, хотя и власть Византии являлась там лишь номинальной.
After the Byzantine-Persian partition of Armenia in A.D. 591, the emperor Maurice organized his newly acquired territories in east central Armenia into a Byzantine province, which, probably from its elevation relative to the rest of Armenia, was designated Lower Armenia (Armenia Inferior).
During the almost 250 years of Arab rule in Armenia (7th-9th cents.), the Bagratids gradually assumed the paramount position among the surviving Armenian princes and ca. 884 were able to establish a new monarchy in central Armenia which included all of Lower Armenia and considerably more territory in eastern Armenia as well.