Friedrich Engels. Afghanistan // Andy Blunden. The New American Cyclopaedia, Vol. I, 1857. Архивиран от оригинала на 18 October 2010. Посетен на 23 September 2010. Afghanistan ... an extensive country of Asia ...between Persia and the Indies, and in the other direction between the Hindu Kush and the Indian Ocean. It formerly included the Persian provinces of Khorassan and Kohistan, together with Herat, Beluchistan, Cashmere, and Sinde, and a considerable part of the Punjab ... Its principal cities are Kabul, the capital, Ghuznee, Peshawer, and Kandahar
Friedrich Engels. Afghanistan // Andy Blunden. The New American Cyclopaedia, Vol. I, 1857. Архивиран от оригинала на 18 October 2010. Посетен на 23 September 2010. Afghanistan ... an extensive country of Asia ...between Persia and the Indies, and in the other direction between the Hindu Kush and the Indian Ocean. It formerly included the Persian provinces of Khorassan and Kohistan, together with Herat, Beluchistan, Cashmere, and Sinde, and a considerable part of the Punjab ... Its principal cities are Kabul, the capital, Ghuznee, Peshawer, and Kandahar