Merck, Mandy (2010). „Prologue: Shulamith Firestone and Sexual Difference“. In Merck, Mandy; Sandford, Stella (eds.). Further Adventures of The Dialectic of Sex: Critical Essays on Shulamith Firestone. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 13.
Greer, Germaine (2003). The Beautiful Boy, New York: Rizzoli. Quoted in Deslandes, Paul R. (2013). „Exposing, Adorning, and Dressing in the Modern Era“, in Sarah Toulalan, Kate Fisher (eds.), The Routledge History of Sex and the Body, 1500 to the Present. Routledge, p. 186.
Greer, Germaine. The Tulsa Center for the Study of Women's Literature: What We Are Doing and Why We Are Doing It // Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 1 (1). Spring 1982. DOI:10.2307/464089. с. 5 – 26.
Milliken, Robert (28 September 1997). "Greer savages 'dung beetle' biographer". The Independent, citing Blazey, Peter (1997). Screw Loose: Uncalled for Memoirs. Sydney: Picador.
Tweedie, Jill. Goodbye love // The Guardian. 28 September 1970. с. 9.; Lyndon, Neil. Shooting down The Female Eunuch // The Sunday Times. 10 October 2010..
Francis, Rosemary; Henningham, Nikki (2017) [2009]. "Greer, Germaine (1939–)". The Australian Women's Register.
Suck, the first European sex magazine. WorldCat. OCLC 810282005.
Germaine Greer, „All About Women“ (2015): „Винаги съм била феминистка на освобождението. Не съм феминистка на равенството. Мисля, че това е дълбоко консервативна цел и няма да промени нищо. Това просто би означавало, че жените са замесени.“ Вж. How to Be a Feminist, на 01:06:04)
Интервю с Гриър, Ютюб , Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2012, Sydney Opera House (00:01:00–00:03:42)