Searching for the lost continent of Zealandia // The Dominion Post. 29 септември 2007. Посетен на 9 октомври 2007. We cannot categorically say that there has always been land here. The geological evidence at present is too weak, so we are logically forced to consider the possibility that the whole of Zealandia may have sunk.
Figure 4. Basement rocks of New Zealand // UNCLOS Article 76: The Land mass, continental shelf, and deep ocean floor: Accretion and suturing. Архивиран от оригинала на 2007-09-27. Посетен на 21 април 2007.
Wood, Ray, Stagpoole, Vaughan, Wright, Ian. New Zealand's Continental Shelf and UNCLOS Article 76. Wellington, New Zealand, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, 2003. NIWA technical report 123. с. 16. Посетен на 22 февруари 2007. The continuous rifted basement structure, thickness of the crust, and lack of seafloor spreading anomalies are evidence of prolongation of the New Zealand land mass to Gilbert Seamount.
Figure 4. Basement rocks of New Zealand // UNCLOS Article 76: The Land mass, continental shelf, and deep ocean floor: Accretion and suturing. Архивиран от оригинала на 2007-09-27. Посетен на 21 април 2007.