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ESHRE Capri Workshop Group (May–June 2008). „Intrauterine devices and intrauterine systems“. Human Reproduction Update 14 (3): 197‒208.doi:10.1093/humupd/dmn003. PMID 18400840. p. 199:
Mechanisms of action
Thus, both clinical and experimental evidence suggests that IUDs can prevent and disrupt implantation. It is unlikely, however, that this is the main IUD mode of action, … The best evidence indicates that in IUD users it is unusual for embryos to reach the uterus.
In conclusion, IUDs may exert their contraceptive action at different levels. Potentially, they interfere with sperm function and transport within the uterus and tubes. It is difficult to determine whether fertilization of the oocyte is impaired by these compromised sperm. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that IUDs can prevent and disrupt implantation. The extent to which this interference contributes to its contraceptive action is unknown. The data are scanty and the political consequences of resolving this issue interfere with comprehensive research.
p. 205:
IUDs that release copper or levonorgestrel are extremely effective contraceptives... Both copper IUDs and levonorgestrel releasing IUSs may interfere with implantation, although this may not be the primary mechanism of action. The devices also create barriers to sperm transport and fertilization, and sensitive assays detect hCG in less than 1% of cycles, indicating that significant prevention must occur before the stage of implantation.
Srikanthan, A и др. Religious and cultural influences on contraception // Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada – Journal d'obstetrique et gynecologie du Canada (JOGC) 30 (2). 2008 Feb. с. 129 – 37. Архивиран от оригинала на 2013-10-04. Посетен на 2014-01-11.