Майкъл Левит (Bulgarian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Майкъл Левит" in Bulgarian language version.

Global rank Bulgarian rank
2nd place
7th place
301st place
155th place
1st place
1st place
544th place
2,427th place
7th place
31st place
87th place
47th place
7,651st place
low place
497th place
883rd place
low place
low place
179th place
123rd place
670th place
1,037th place
11th place
961st place
2,415th place
2,250th place
3,325th place
2,482nd place





  • Van Noorden, R. Computer modellers secure chemistry Nobels // Nature. 2013. DOI:10.1038/nature.2013.13903.
  • Van Noorden, Richard. Modellers react to chemistry award: Nobel Prize proves that theorists can measure up to experimenters // Nature 502 (7471). 2013. DOI:10.1038/502280a. с. 280.
  • Chothia, C. и др. Conformations of immunoglobulin hypervariable regions // Nature 342 (6252). 1989. DOI:10.1038/342877a0. с. 877 – 883.
  • Levitt, M. и др. Structural patterns in globular proteins // Nature 261 (5561). 1976. DOI:10.1038/261552a0. с. 552 – 558.
  • Warshel, A. и др. Theoretical studies of enzymic reactions: Dielectric, electrostatic and steric stabilization of the carbonium ion in the reaction of lysozyme // Journal of Molecular Biology 103 (2). 1976. DOI:10.1016/0022-2836(76)90311-9. с. 227 – 249.
  • Levitt, M. A simplified representation of protein conformations for rapid simulation of protein folding // Journal of Molecular Biology 104 (1). 1976. DOI:10.1016/0022-2836(76)90004-8. с. 59 – 107.
  • Chopra, G. и др. Consistent refinement of submitted models at CASP using a knowledge-based potential // Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 78 (12). 2010. DOI:10.1002/prot.22781. с. 2668 – 78.
  • Levitt, M. и др. A unified statistical framework for sequence comparison and structure comparison // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95 (11). 1998. DOI:10.1073/pnas.95.11.5913. с. 5913 – 5920.
  • Brenner, S. E. и др. The ASTRAL compendium for protein structure and sequence analysis // Nucleic Acids Research 28 (1). 2000. DOI:10.1093/nar/28.1.254. с. 254 – 256.
  • Hinds, D. A. и др. Exploring conformational space with a simple lattice model for protein structure // Journal of Molecular Biology 243 (4). 1994. DOI:10.1016/0022-2836(94)90040-X. с. 668 – 682.
  • Park, B. и др. Energy Functions that Discriminate X-ray and Near-native Folds from Well-constructed Decoys // Journal of Molecular Biology 258 (2). 1996. DOI:10.1006/jmbi.1996.0256. с. 367 – 392.
  • Gerstein, M. и др. The Volume of Atoms on the Protein Surface: Calculated from Simulation, using Voronoi Polyhedra // Journal of Molecular Biology 249 (5). 1995. DOI:10.1006/jmbi.1995.0351. с. 955 – 966.





  • Michael Levitt // National Academy of Sciences. Посетен на 6 ноември 2016.








