Βλασίδης, Βλάσης. Το χθες, το σήμερα και το αύριο στην ενημέρωση // Κολιόπουλος, Ι. Σ., Ι. Μιχαηλίδης (επιμ.). Φλώρινα : πύλη των Βαλκανίων : Αξονική τομογραφία του νομού. Θεσσαλονίκη, Εταιρεία Μακεδονικών Σπουδών, 2007. ISBN 9789607265814. σ. 340. (на гръцки)
Генов, Георги. Беломорска Македония : 1908 - 1916. Toronto, New York, Благотворително издание на бежанците от Вардарска и Егейска Македония, емигранти в САЩ и Канада, Veritas et Pneuma Publishers Ltd., Multi-lingual Publishing House, 2007. ISBN 978-954-679-146-4. с. 59.
Andreou, A. and K. Kasvikis. The Difficult Past of a Town: The Resonant Silences and Suppressed Memories of Florina's Cultural Heritage // MuseumEdu (6). Autumn 2018. p. 154 – 155. Архивиран от оригинала на 2020-09-26. The presence and activity of Augoustinos Kantiotis (secularly Andreas Kantiotis) in western Macedonia was decisive for the ideological management of Florina’s difficult past. He initially became engaged as a preacher (1942 – 1947) and later on, from 1967, as the Bishop of Florina, appointed with honour by the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church during the period of dictatorship in the country (1967 – 74). Kantiotis contributed remarkably to the process of hellenization and the purging of every cultural element that was deemed by him to be harmful. Thes eoffensive elements could be summarized as being anything considered antithetical to the doctrine of a Greece of Greek Christians. The violence he addressed to anything considered non-Hellenic was multifaceted. Apart from verbal vitriol, excommunications and constant curses, the wanton demolition of monuments and their replacement by new ones functioned as symbolic violence against the inhabitants of the area... Under the pretext, that they were public safety hazards, several churches in the wider area were torn down, the Cathedral of Florina included. In many cases the threat was so immense that they were forced to use tanks to demolish the buildings, as happened in the case of the St. Konstantinos and Helen’s Church in Amyntaion, another town in the Florina district. (на английски)
Andreou, A. and K. Kasvikis. The Difficult Past of a Town: The Resonant Silences and Suppressed Memories of Florina's Cultural Heritage // MuseumEdu (6). Autumn 2018. p. 154 – 155. Архивиран от оригинала на 2020-09-26. The presence and activity of Augoustinos Kantiotis (secularly Andreas Kantiotis) in western Macedonia was decisive for the ideological management of Florina’s difficult past. He initially became engaged as a preacher (1942 – 1947) and later on, from 1967, as the Bishop of Florina, appointed with honour by the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church during the period of dictatorship in the country (1967 – 74). Kantiotis contributed remarkably to the process of hellenization and the purging of every cultural element that was deemed by him to be harmful. Thes eoffensive elements could be summarized as being anything considered antithetical to the doctrine of a Greece of Greek Christians. The violence he addressed to anything considered non-Hellenic was multifaceted. Apart from verbal vitriol, excommunications and constant curses, the wanton demolition of monuments and their replacement by new ones functioned as symbolic violence against the inhabitants of the area... Under the pretext, that they were public safety hazards, several churches in the wider area were torn down, the Cathedral of Florina included. In many cases the threat was so immense that they were forced to use tanks to demolish the buildings, as happened in the case of the St. Konstantinos and Helen’s Church in Amyntaion, another town in the Florina district. (на английски)