Mecca: Islam's cosmopolitan heart // Архивиран от оригинала на 2018-12-14. Посетен на 2019-02-15. The Hijaz is the largest, most populated, and most culturally and religiously diverse region of Saudi Arabia, in large part because it was the traditional host area of all the pilgrims to Mecca, many of whom settled and intermarried there. (на английски)
Mecca: Islam's cosmopolitan heart // Архивиран от оригинала на 2018-12-14. Посетен на 2019-02-15. The Hijaz is the largest, most populated, and most culturally and religiously diverse region of Saudi Arabia, in large part because it was the traditional host area of all the pilgrims to Mecca, many of whom settled and intermarried there. (на английски)