Blumenfeld 2012. Blumenfeld, Mordechai. Maimonides, 13 Principles of Faith // Aish HaTorah, 2012. Посетен на 13 октомври 2012. According to the Rambam, their acceptance defines the minimum requirement necessary for one to relate to the Almighty and His Torah as a member of the People of Israel (на английски)
Mechon Mamre 2001. What Do Jews Believe? // Mechon Mamre, 2001. Архивиран от оригинала на 2009-04-06. Посетен на 13 октомври 2012. The closest that anyone has ever come to creating a widely accepted list of Jewish beliefs is Maimonides' thirteen principles of faith. (на английски)
Mesora 2012. Maimonides’ 13 Foundations of Judaism // Mesora, 2012. Посетен на 13 октомври 2012. However if he rejects one of these fundamentals he leaves the nation and is a denier of the fundamentals and is called a heretic, a denier, etc. (на английски)
Mechon Mamre 2001. What Do Jews Believe? // Mechon Mamre, 2001. Архивиран от оригинала на 2009-04-06. Посетен на 13 октомври 2012. The closest that anyone has ever come to creating a widely accepted list of Jewish beliefs is Maimonides' thirteen principles of faith. (на английски)