Cape Verde Islands. Manual preparat sota la direcció de la Historical Section of the Foreign Office. No. 117. Publicat per H.M. Stationery Office. Londres, 1920. Disponible a: [3].
«The Cape Verd Islands are situate at the distance of no leagues from the Cape of the same name, on the western coast of Africa, between 23 and 26 west long, and 15 and 18 north lat. They are supposed by some to be the ancient Hesperides of Pliny and Ptolemy. They were discovered, in the year 1460, by Antonio de Noli, a Genoese, under the direction of the Infant Don Henry, who presented them to King Alphonso V. his nephew», en Charles François Du Périer Dumouriez. Op. cit. Chapter «Account of Portugal», «Cape Verd Islands». Pag. 95. Disponible a: [20]
«Ribeira Grande is where the history of Cape Verde began...It was chosen by António de Noli as the centre of his portion of Santiago - where the first Cape Verdians...», s Aisling Irwing, Cape Verde History, disponible s: [6]Arxivat 2012-12-28 at
Descendants of the Noli in Novara (at the time Lombardy territory) became later established around Bergamo and Parma/Cremona. E.g. Nobildonna Alessandra Noli Datarino (Cremona)[15]Arxivat 2016-03-03 a Wayback Machine., Can. Comte Alessandro Noli (Bergamo) [16], Arpulino de Noli da Parma [17].
La Carta regia (carta real) del 19 de setembre de 1462 atribueix el descobriment de les illes del Cap Verd a Antonio de Noli. A Bailey W. Diffie i George D. Winius, "Foundations of the Portuguese Empire 1415-1580". University of Minnesota Press, 1977. Página 106. Disponible a: [21]Arxivat 2005-10-27 a Wayback Machine.
Els Fieschi també eren una família prominent en Cesena, i van ser expulsats també de Gènova després de l'avortada i sagnant conspiració contra Doria, encapçalada entre altres per Giovanni Luigi Fieschi, comte de Lavagna. Això explicaria també les raons d'Antonio de Noli i/o els seus descendents per a l'elecció de Cesena com a lloc protegit per tornar a Itàlia després del seu exili a Portugal (i després de perdre la governatura de Cap Verd), a l'espera del seu establiment final a Gènova. Vegeu a: [19].
«Ribeira Grande is where the history of Cape Verde began...It was chosen by António de Noli as the centre of his portion of Santiago - where the first Cape Verdians...», s Aisling Irwing, Cape Verde History, disponible s: [6]Arxivat 2012-12-28 at
The findings were conducted by Dr. Carla Rosetti at the Research Section (Servizio conservazione e richerche) of the Biblioteca Malatestiana, and Professor Marcello Ferrada-Noli. Images of the manuscripts can be seen in M. Ferrada-Noli "The de Noli descendants / Cesena manuscripts" [23][Enllaç no actiu]
M. Ferrada-Noli. The de Noli descendants. Lineage Genoa / Serra Riccò / Antonio de Noli 1586, disponible a: [25][Enllaç no actiu].
As the name Antonio da Noli bears the assumtion he would have born in Noli, vice versa, it is assumed that he was born in Noli because his name would be Antonio da Noli (as da would denote procedence). Emanuele Diotto, in Antonio da Noli e la scoperta delle isole del Capo Verde[9] quotes City of Noli historian Bernardo Gandoglia as referring the existence of a birth document with the name Antonio da Noli. However there is no indicated reference or source for such document. Further, in his book In Repubblica (1916. 696 pages) Bernardo Gandoglia refers the issue of Antonio Noli being from Noli as ″so it is believed″ (cosi si crede). In a brief mention to Antonio Noli Gandoglia writes ″il nostro Antonio (cosi si crede) ò a Genova, ove piu tarde si trovò compromesso nelle fazione fra gli Adorno e i Fregoso″. Further, the original reports on Antonio da Noli, as indication of locus-origin, may as well have referred to the hamlet of Noli in Northern Genoa province (La frazione di Noli al comune di Serra Ricco), then a site of the de Noli family[10]
As the name Antonio da Noli bears the assumtion he would have born in Noli, vice versa, it is assumed that he was born in Noli because his name would be Antonio da Noli (as da would denote procedence). Emanuele Diotto, in Antonio da Noli e la scoperta delle isole del Capo Verde[9] quotes City of Noli historian Bernardo Gandoglia as referring the existence of a birth document with the name Antonio da Noli. However there is no indicated reference or source for such document. Further, in his book In Repubblica (1916. 696 pages) Bernardo Gandoglia refers the issue of Antonio Noli being from Noli as ″so it is believed″ (cosi si crede). In a brief mention to Antonio Noli Gandoglia writes ″il nostro Antonio (cosi si crede) ò a Genova, ove piu tarde si trovò compromesso nelle fazione fra gli Adorno e i Fregoso″. Further, the original reports on Antonio da Noli, as indication of locus-origin, may as well have referred to the hamlet of Noli in Northern Genoa province (La frazione di Noli al comune di Serra Ricco), then a site of the de Noli family[10]
C.E. Nowel A History of Portugal. D Van Nostrand Co. New York 1952. Pag. 40, 256. Disponible a: [4].
Descendants of the Noli in Novara (at the time Lombardy territory) became later established around Bergamo and Parma/Cremona. E.g. Nobildonna Alessandra Noli Datarino (Cremona)[15]Arxivat 2016-03-03 a Wayback Machine., Can. Comte Alessandro Noli (Bergamo) [16], Arpulino de Noli da Parma [17].
"Castello di Cameriano...Agli inizi del quattrocento il castello - diventato un'importante fortezza - fu amministrato per diversi anni dal marchese Teodoro di Monferrato. In seguito divenne feudo dei "Botigella" e fu abitato da varie famiglie di signori, tra cui i Cattaneo di Cameriano e la famiglia Noli di Novara [13][Enllaç no actiu]
Descendants of the Noli in Novara (at the time Lombardy territory) became later established around Bergamo and Parma/Cremona. E.g. Nobildonna Alessandra Noli Datarino (Cremona)[15]Arxivat 2016-03-03 a Wayback Machine., Can. Comte Alessandro Noli (Bergamo) [16], Arpulino de Noli da Parma [17].
La Carta regia (carta real) del 19 de setembre de 1462 atribueix el descobriment de les illes del Cap Verd a Antonio de Noli. A Bailey W. Diffie i George D. Winius, "Foundations of the Portuguese Empire 1415-1580". University of Minnesota Press, 1977. Página 106. Disponible a: [21]Arxivat 2005-10-27 a Wayback Machine.