Niketić, M., Cikovac, P., Stevanović, V. 2013: Taxonomic and nomenclature notes on Balkan columbines (Aquilegia L., Ranunculaceae). In: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Belgrade, 6: 33–42. PDFArxivat 2019-08-01 a Wayback Machine.
«Aquilegia grata» (en anglès). PlantList. [Consulta: 9 maig 2020].
Niketić, M., Cikovac, P., Stevanović, V. 2013: Taxonomic and nomenclature notes on Balkan columbines (Aquilegia L., Ranunculaceae). In: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Belgrade, 6: 33–42. PDFArxivat 2019-08-01 a Wayback Machine.