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Baye, Peter (1998). "More on Salsola sodaArxivat 2007-09-27 a Wayback Machine.," CalEPPC News (Newsletter of the California Exotic Pest Plant Council), Vol. 6, No. 4 (Fall 1998).
Pérez, Joaquín Fernández (1998). Arxivat 2007-12-18 a Wayback Machine.Antilia: The Spanish Journal of History of Natural Sciences and Technology, Vol. IV, Art. 1. ISSN 1136-2049. Archived at WebCite from this original URL on 2008-03-01.
Colla, G., Rouphael, Y., Fallovo, C., and Cardarelli, M. (2006). "Use of Salsola soda as a companion plant to improve greenhouse pepper (Capsicum annuum) performance under saline conditions," New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, Vol. 34: 283 - 290. Online abstract at http://www.rsnz.org/publish/nzjchs/2006/039.phpArxivat 2008-11-22 a Wayback Machine. (retrieved November 28, 2006).