Beatnik (Catalan Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Beatnik" in Catalan language version.

Global rank Catalan rank
16th place
21st place
1st place
1st place
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low place
952nd place
754th place
166th place
464th place
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139th place
417th place
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580th place
333rd place
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7,567th place
944th place
1,094th place
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107th place
434th place
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5,221st place
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  • "Much of Beat culture represented a negative stance rather than a positive one. It was animated more by a vagui feeling of cultural and emotional displacement, dissatisfaction, and yearning, than by a specific purpose or program.
    It would be a lot easier if we were only looking for movies with "beatniks" in them. San Francisco columnist Herb Caen coined the word (which by sarcastically punning on the recently launched Russian Sputnik was apparently intended to cast doubt on the beatnik's xarxa-white-and-blue-blooded all-Americanness). And the mass media popularized the concept.
    Dobie Gillis, Life magazine, Charles Kuralt, and a host of other entertainers and journalists reduced Beatness to a set of superficial, silly externals that have stayed with us ever since: goatees, sunglasses, poetry readings, coffeehouses, slouches, and "cool, man, cool" jargon..." Carney, Ray. "Program Notes," Beat Culture and the New America: 1950-1965. New York: Whitney Museum of Art and Paris: Flammarion, 1995.]

  • «It is because I am Beat, that is, I believe in beatitude and that God sota loved the world that he gave his only begotten són to it... Who knows, but that the universe is not one vast sea of compassion actually, the veritable holy honey, beneath all this xou of personality and cruelty?»
    Aronowitz, Al. The Blacklisted Journalist Arxivat 2007-09-28 a Wayback Machine.

  • En São Paulo, Brasil, The Beatniks va ser una banda de rock en anglès creada en 1965, integrada per Bogô, Márcio, Nenê, i Nino. Van publicar dos àlbums Outside Chance i Beatniks i una reeixida versió de "Gloria", de Van Morrisson. En 1965 es van presentar al programa de TV Jovem Guàrdia, conduït per Roberto Carlos. Brazilian Nuggets, The Beatniks, Completi Mocambo Singles (1968)

  • «Periodista: Que opina de ser el Rei dels Beatniks?; Allen Ginsberg: Bé, tu saps que jo mai he estat un beatnik, no?; P: Com va evolucionar la paraula?; AG: Bé, primer va ser Generació Beat... després l'Spútnik va pujar, recordes? Després ells ho van anomenar beatnik».
    Text original en anglès
    «Q: What do you think of being King of the Beatniks?; A: Well, you know I never was a beatnik, doncha?;Q: How did the word evolve?; A: Well, first it was Beat Generation... then Sputnik went up, remember? Then they called it beatnik».- Campbell, James. "The birth of the beatnik", The Richmond Review, 1999.

  • A Argentina, Els Beatniks, va ser un grup de rock en espanyol i anglès, creada en 1966 i integrada per Maurici Birabent (Moris), Ocellet Zaguri, Antonio Perez Estévez, Javier Martínez i Jorge Navarro. Van gravar el que és considerat el primer «rock nacional» argentí, "Rebel", el 2 de juny de 1966., The Beatniks

  • Connie Sublette, era una jove de 20 anys, divorciada d'un amic de Jack Kerouac, Al Sublette. Aquest any de 1958, la seva mare havia mort i ella es va divorciar del seu espòs, per formar parella poc després amb el músic saxofonista Paul Swanson. El 15 de juny de 1958, Swanson va morir en caure accidentalment del sostre del Party Pad. Connie desesperada per la tristesa va perdre llavors el control i es va emborratxar. En aquestes condicions, plorant desconsoladamente, va ser trobada en un portal, pel mariner Frank Harris, qui es trobava també drogat amb heroïna. Harris li va oferir consol, que Connie va acceptar. Van començar a besar-se i ella es va llevar la roba preparant-se a mantenir relacions sexuals. En aquest moment Connie va començar a cridar al seu ex-espòs, i Harris, amb la finalitat d'evitar ser descobert amb una blanca nua (en una època de forts prejudicis racials) va intentar callar-la, penjant-la amb el mocador d'ella. Christopher, Tom (2005). Beatnik!. Beat Scene Magazine. Consultat el 22-12-2007.
  • Christopher, Tom. «Beatnik!». Beat Scene Magazine, 2005. [Consulta: 22 desembre 2007].

  • "The Beat Generation, that was a vision that we had, John Clellon Holmes and I, and Allen Ginsberg in an even wilder way, in the late Forties, of a generation of crazy, illuminated hipsters suddenly rising and roaming America, serious, bumming and hitchhiking everywhere, ragged, beatific, beautiful in an ugly graceful new way—a vision gleaned from the way we had heard the word "beat" spoken on street corners on Times Square and in the Village, in other cities in the downtown city night of postwar America—beat, meaning down and out but full of intense conviction. We'd even heard old 1910 Daddy Hipsters of the streets speak the word that way, with a melancholy sneer. It never meant juvenile delinquents, it meant characters of a special spirituality who didn't gang up but were solitary Bartlebies staring out the dead wall window of our civilization..." Kerouac, Jack. "About the Beat Generation" Arxivat 2008-04-20 a Wayback Machine., (1957), publicat com "Aftermath: The Philosophy of the Beat Generation", Esquire, març de 1958

  • "We know beatniks aren't good", she said, "but we thought they just dressed sloppy and talked funny. Now we know that they get married without licenses and things like that." Venice Virtual, Venice in Magazines and other ephemeral mitjana, Venice Virtual [22-dic-2007]

  • The Beat Museum. «Have the beatniks found Sputnik?». The Beat Museum. Arxivat de l'original el 2007-12-16. [Consulta: 20 desembre 2007].
  • Mike Ladd. «The Language of the Beats...». Ràdio National Lingua Franca, 30-09-2000. Arxivat de l'original el 2001-05-01. [Consulta: 20 desembre 2007].
  • «It is because I am Beat, that is, I believe in beatitude and that God sota loved the world that he gave his only begotten són to it... Who knows, but that the universe is not one vast sea of compassion actually, the veritable holy honey, beneath all this xou of personality and cruelty?»
    Aronowitz, Al. The Blacklisted Journalist Arxivat 2007-09-28 a Wayback Machine.
  • "The Beat Generation, that was a vision that we had, John Clellon Holmes and I, and Allen Ginsberg in an even wilder way, in the late Forties, of a generation of crazy, illuminated hipsters suddenly rising and roaming America, serious, bumming and hitchhiking everywhere, ragged, beatific, beautiful in an ugly graceful new way—a vision gleaned from the way we had heard the word "beat" spoken on street corners on Times Square and in the Village, in other cities in the downtown city night of postwar America—beat, meaning down and out but full of intense conviction. We'd even heard old 1910 Daddy Hipsters of the streets speak the word that way, with a melancholy sneer. It never meant juvenile delinquents, it meant characters of a special spirituality who didn't gang up but were solitary Bartlebies staring out the dead wall window of our civilization..." Kerouac, Jack. "About the Beat Generation" Arxivat 2008-04-20 a Wayback Machine., (1957), publicat com "Aftermath: The Philosophy of the Beat Generation", Esquire, març de 1958
  • Quadre de la historieta Archie, en la qual Torombolo (Jughead) i Archie estan vestits com beatniks (boina, roba desarreglada i trencada) i un home major crida horroritzat: "Beatniks!", mentre que Torombolo respon amb típic argot beatnik: "Com si estiguéssim amb ells, papi!" i Archie pel seu costat comenta, assenyalant al cel: "Allà fos! Vila Espacial!". "Beatniks", Archie, Archie Comics.
  • A Mèxic The Beatniks va ser una banda de rock creada en 1959, integrada per Manuel Rojo, Jorge Rojo, José "Pepe" Rojo, José M. Guasque, Hugo Palma i Javier de la Mora. Van gravar un LP, The Beatniks, en el qual es troba el seu tema més conegut, "Genets en el Cel". Rock Clàssic Llatí The Beatniks