Matzan, Jem. «BSD cognoscenti on Linux». NewsForge, 15-06-2005. Arxivat de l'original el 23 March 2006. [Consulta: 7 juliol 2006]. See Christos Zoulas's response to "Is sharing between Free/Open/NetBSD and the Linux kernel a common occurrence? And if so, does it go both ways?"
«BIOS Freedom Status» (en anglès)., 12-11-2014. [Consulta: 23 juny 2015].
Matzan, Jem. «BSD cognoscenti on Linux». NewsForge, 15-06-2005. Arxivat de l'original el 23 March 2006. [Consulta: 7 juliol 2006]. See Christos Zoulas's response to "Is sharing between Free/Open/NetBSD and the Linux kernel a common occurrence? And if so, does it go both ways?"