The list of champions up to and including 2002 is available at the website for the 2003 event in Fredrikstad , the table for the 2003 event itself is here. See footnotes for information on later champions. The city and number of participants up to and including 2008 are obtained from the Norwegian Chess Federation archives (full listArxivat 2011-07-24 a Wayback Machine.), for the 2009 event see the list of participants with 515 entries, although one player is included twice, and another (Ingen Spiller, or "No player") is a placeholder.
The list of champions up to and including 2002 is available at the website for the 2003 event in Fredrikstad , the table for the 2003 event itself is here. See footnotes for information on later champions. The city and number of participants up to and including 2008 are obtained from the Norwegian Chess Federation archives (full listArxivat 2011-07-24 a Wayback Machine.), for the 2009 event see the list of participants with 515 entries, although one player is included twice, and another (Ingen Spiller, or "No player") is a placeholder.
Event awarded to SK 1911 of Oslo in the 2009 congress. See minutesArxivat 2011-07-18 a Wayback Machine., pt. 9 (noruec)
The list of champions up to and including 2002 is available at the website for the 2003 event in Fredrikstad , the table for the 2003 event itself is here. See footnotes for information on later champions. The city and number of participants up to and including 2008 are obtained from the Norwegian Chess Federation archives (full listArxivat 2011-07-24 a Wayback Machine.), for the 2009 event see the list of participants with 515 entries, although one player is included twice, and another (Ingen Spiller, or "No player") is a placeholder.
The list of champions up to and including 2002 is available at the website for the 2003 event in Fredrikstad , the table for the 2003 event itself is here. See footnotes for information on later champions. The city and number of participants up to and including 2008 are obtained from the Norwegian Chess Federation archives (full listArxivat 2011-07-24 a Wayback Machine.), for the 2009 event see the list of participants with 515 entries, although one player is included twice, and another (Ingen Spiller, or "No player") is a placeholder.