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Rosenbaum, James E. «Tournament Mobility: Career Patterns in a Corporation». Administrative Science Quarterly, 24, 2, 6-1979, pàg. 220–241. DOI: 10.2307/2392495. ISSN: 0001-8392. JSTOR: 2392495.
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Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 2019-03-03. '1530s, "a running (usually at full speed), a course" (especially of the sun, etc., across the sky), from Middle French carriere "road, racecourse" (16c.), from Old Provençal or Italian carriera, from Vulgar Latin *(via) cararia "carriage (road), track for wheeled vehicles," from Latin carrus "chariot".'
Rosenbaum, James E. «Tournament Mobility: Career Patterns in a Corporation». Administrative Science Quarterly, 24, 2, 6-1979, pàg. 220–241. DOI: 10.2307/2392495. ISSN: 0001-8392. JSTOR: 2392495.
Ott-Holland, C. J.; Huang, J. L.; Ryan, A. M.; Elizondo, F.; Wadlington, P. L. «Culture and Vocational Interests: The Moderating Role of Collectivism and Gender Egalitarianism». Journal of Counseling Psychology. American Psychological Association, 60, 4, 10-2013, pàg. 569–581. DOI: 10.1037/a0033587. PMID: 23957771.
Sullivan, Sherry E.; Baruch, Yehuda «Advances in Career Theory and Research: A Critical Review and Agenda for Future Exploration». Journal of Management, 35, 6, 12-2009, pàg. 1542–1571. DOI: 10.1177/0149206309350082. ISSN: 0149-2063.
Sullivan, S «The changing nature of careers: a review and research agenda». Journal of Management, 25, 3, 1999, pàg. 457–484. DOI: 10.1177/014920639902500308. ISSN: 0149-2063.
Super, Donald E. «A theory of vocational development.». American Psychologist, 8, 5, 1953, pàg. 185–190. DOI: 10.1037/h0056046. ISSN: 0003-066X.
Rosenbaum, James E. «Tournament Mobility: Career Patterns in a Corporation». Administrative Science Quarterly, 24, 2, 6-1979, pàg. 220–241. DOI: 10.2307/2392495. ISSN: 0001-8392. JSTOR: 2392495.