Economia institucional (Catalan Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Economia institucional" in Catalan language version.

Global rank Catalan rank
7,008th place
low place
1st place
1st place
26th place
54th place
1,849th place
2nd place
low place
low place
2,569th place
409th place

  • • Geoffrey M. Hodgson (1998). "The Approach of Institutional Economics," Journal of Economic Literature,36(1),pp. 166-192 Arxivat 2011-05-11 a Wayback Machine. (close Bookmarks).
      • ____(2004). The Evolution of Institutional Economics: Agency, Structure and Darwinism in American Institutionalism. Routledge. Review excerpts & TOC.

  • Walton H. Hamilton (1919). "The Institutional Approach to Economic Theory," American Economic Review, 9(1), Supplement,, pp. 309-318. Reprinted in R. Albelda, C. Gunn, and W. Waller (1987), Alternatives to Economic Orthodoxy: A Reader in Political Economy, pp. 204- 12.
  • • Ronald Coase (1998). "The New Institutional Economics," American Economic Review, 88(2), pp. 72-74.
        • Douglass C. North (1995). "The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development," in The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development, J. Harriss, J. Hunter, and C. M. Lewis, ed., pp. 17-26.
    • Elinor Ostrom (2005). "Doing Institutional Analysis: Digging Deeper than Markets and Hierarchies," Handbook of New Institutional Economics, C. Ménard and M. Shirley, eds. Handbook of New Institutional Economics, pp. 819[Enllaç no actiu]-848. Springer.
        • Oliver E. Williamson (2000). "The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead," Journal of Economic Literature, 38(3), pp. 595-613 (press +).

  • Walton H. Hamilton (1919). "The Institutional Approach to Economic Theory," American Economic Review, 9(1), Supplement,, pp. 309-318. Reprinted in R. Albelda, C. Gunn, and W. Waller (1987), Alternatives to Economic Orthodoxy: A Reader in Political Economy, pp. 204- 12.
  • • Ronald Coase (1998). "The New Institutional Economics," American Economic Review, 88(2), pp. 72-74.
        • Douglass C. North (1995). "The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development," in The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development, J. Harriss, J. Hunter, and C. M. Lewis, ed., pp. 17-26.
    • Elinor Ostrom (2005). "Doing Institutional Analysis: Digging Deeper than Markets and Hierarchies," Handbook of New Institutional Economics, C. Ménard and M. Shirley, eds. Handbook of New Institutional Economics, pp. 819[Enllaç no actiu]-848. Springer.
        • Oliver E. Williamson (2000). "The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead," Journal of Economic Literature, 38(3), pp. 595-613 (press +).

  • • Ronald Coase (1998). "The New Institutional Economics," American Economic Review, 88(2), pp. 72-74.
        • Douglass C. North (1995). "The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development," in The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development, J. Harriss, J. Hunter, and C. M. Lewis, ed., pp. 17-26.
    • Elinor Ostrom (2005). "Doing Institutional Analysis: Digging Deeper than Markets and Hierarchies," Handbook of New Institutional Economics, C. Ménard and M. Shirley, eds. Handbook of New Institutional Economics, pp. 819[Enllaç no actiu]-848. Springer.
        • Oliver E. Williamson (2000). "The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead," Journal of Economic Literature, 38(3), pp. 595-613 (press +).

  • Per exemple: Ha-Joon Chang, qui es declara influït per Hayek, escriu: “En l'altre extrem de l'espectre polític aquesta Karl Marx. Amb el col·lapse del comunisme, la gent ha arribat a considerar a Marx com alguna cosa irrellevant, però això és incorrecte. No tinc molt temps per a la visió utòpica de Marx sobre el socialisme, ni la seva teoria del valor-treballo, però la seva comprensió del capitalisme va ser superior en molts aspectes a les dels autoproclamados defensors del capitalisme. Per exemple, quan els economistes de lliure mercat estaven la seva majoria oposats a les societats de responsabilitat limitada, Marx la va veure com una institució que portarà el capitalisme a un altre plànol (conduint-ho finalment al socialisme, al seu erroneo judici). Al meu entendre, 150 anys després que ell ho va escriure, la seva anàlisi de l'evolució de la regulació laboral a Gran Bretanya, en el primer volum de capital, segueix sent un dels millors sobre el tema. Marx també entén la importància de la interacció entre les tecnologies (o el que ell crida les forces de producció) i les institucions (o el que ell crida les relacions de producció), alguna cosa que altres escoles econòmiques només recentment han començat a dilucidar.” a Economists Who Have Influenced Me
  • • Geoffrey M. Hodgson (1998). "The Approach of Institutional Economics," Journal of Economic Literature,36(1),pp. 166-192 Arxivat 2011-05-11 a Wayback Machine. (close Bookmarks).
      • ____(2004). The Evolution of Institutional Economics: Agency, Structure and Darwinism in American Institutionalism. Routledge. Review excerpts & TOC.
  • • Ronald Coase (1998). "The New Institutional Economics," American Economic Review, 88(2), pp. 72-74.
        • Douglass C. North (1995). "The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development," in The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development, J. Harriss, J. Hunter, and C. M. Lewis, ed., pp. 17-26.
    • Elinor Ostrom (2005). "Doing Institutional Analysis: Digging Deeper than Markets and Hierarchies," Handbook of New Institutional Economics, C. Ménard and M. Shirley, eds. Handbook of New Institutional Economics, pp. 819[Enllaç no actiu]-848. Springer.
        • Oliver E. Williamson (2000). "The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead," Journal of Economic Literature, 38(3), pp. 595-613 (press +).
  • Ha-Joon Chang: Institutions and economic development: theory, policy and history Journal of Institutional Economics: page 1 -26 - 2010 doi:10.1017/