«Trust». BusinessDictionary. WebFinance, Inc.. Arxivat de l'original el 30 de setembre 2020. [Consulta: 10 agost 2017].
Scott, Austin University of Colorado Law Review, 39, pàg. 177. DOI: 10.2307/1598930. JSTOR: 1598930 [Consulta: 6 abril 2014]. «The greatest and most distinctive achievement performed by Englishmen in the field of jurisprudence is the development from century to century of the trust idea.»
Scott, Austin University of Colorado Law Review, 39, pàg. 177. DOI: 10.2307/1598930. JSTOR: 1598930 [Consulta: 6 abril 2014]. «The greatest and most distinctive achievement performed by Englishmen in the field of jurisprudence is the development from century to century of the trust idea.»