«Participantes». FCForum. Arxivat de l'original el 2016-03-04. [Consulta: 17 novembre 2017].
Alguns autors com Richard Stallman es mostren contraris a l'ús del terme 'propietat intel·lectual' per considerar-ho esbiaixat. ( «Capítol 9». A: Free as in freedom: Richard Stallman's crusade for free software (en anglès). O'Reilly Media, 2002, p. 94. ISBN 0-596-00287-4. «I urge you not to use the term 'intellectual property'. It will lead you to misunderstanding things, because that term generalizes about copyright, patents and trademarks. And those things are so different that it is entirely foolish to try to talk about them at once.»