Shapiro, Stephen. Ultra Hush-hush. Annick Press, 2003, p. 38. ISBN 1-55037-778-7. «Puppet state: a country whose government is being controlled by the government of another country, much as a puppeteer controls the strings on a marionette»
Raič, David. Statehood and the Law of Self-Determination. Kluwer Law International, 2002, p. 81. ISBN 90-411-1890-X [Consulta: 13 setembre 2017]. «In most cases, puppet States are created by the occupant during occupation of a State, for the purpose of circumventing the former's international responsibility regarding the violation of the rights of the occupied State.»
Lemkin, Raphaël. Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress. The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 2008, p. 11. ISBN 978-1-58477-901-8 [Consulta: 30 juny 2019]. «La creació d'estats titella o de governs titella no els atorga cap estatus especial segons el dret internacional al territori ocupat. Per tant, els governs titella i els estats titella no tenen majors drets en el territori ocupat que el mateix ocupant. Les seves accions s'han de considerar com accions de l'ocupant i, per tant, subjectes a les limitacions del Reglament de l'Haia.»