H. L. Willmington. Willmington's Guide to the Bible. Tyndale House Publishers [Consulta: 2007–10–18]. «Sometime after she had progressed to the point that she could engage in conversation, she was told of God and his love in sending Christ to die on the cross. She is said to have responded with joy, "I always knew he was there, but I didn't know his name!", és a dir, "Quan va haver progressat fins al punt que podia mantenir una conversa, li van parlar de Déu i el seu amor en enviar Crist a morir a la creu. Es diu que va respondre amb joia, Sempre sabia que hi era, però no en sabia el nom!""»
Harold E. Helms. God's Final Answer [Consulta: 2007–10–18]. «A favorite story about Helen Keller concerns her first introduction to the gospel. When Helen, who was both blind and deaf, learned to communicate, Anne Sullivan, her teacher, decided that it was time for her to hear about Jesus Christ. Anne called for Phillips Brooks, the most famous preacher in Boston. With Sullivan interpreting for him, he talked to Helen Keller about Christ. It wasn't long until a smile lighted up her face. Through her teacher she said, "Mr. Brooks, I have always known about God, but until now I didn't know His name.. és a dir, "Una història preferida sobre Helen Keller explica la seva primera introducció a l'evangeli. Quan la Helen, que era alhora cega i sorda, va aprendre a comunicar-se, l'Anne Sullivan, la seva mestra, va decidir que era el moment perquè sentís a parlar de Jesucrist. L'Anne va fer venir en Phillips Brooks, el predicador més famós de Boston. Amb Sullivan fent d'intèrpret, va parlar amb Helen Keller sobre Crist. Al cap de poc un somriure va il·luminar la seva cara. Mitjançant la seva mestra va dir, "Sr. Brooks, sempre he sabut de Déu, però fins ara no en sabia el Nom""»
Mary Lowe Dickinson, Myrta Lockett Avary. Heaven, Home And Happiness. Kessinger Publishing [Consulta: 2007–10–18]. «Phillips Brooks began to tell her about God, who God was, what he had done, how he loved me, and what he was to us. The child listened very intently. Then she looked up and said, "Mr. Brooks, I knew all that before, but I didn't know His name., és a dir, "Phillips Brooks va començar a parlar-li de Déu, qui era Déu, què havia fet, com m'estimava, i què era per nosaltres. La nena va escoltar amb molta atenció. Llavors va mirar enlaire i va dir, "Sr. Brooks, tot això ja ho sabia, però no sabia el Seu nom"."»
«Helen Keller FAQ». Perkins School for the Blind. [Consulta: 25 desembre 2010].
«The life of Helen Keller» (en anglès). Royal National Institute of Blind People, 20-11-2008. Arxivat de l'original el 13 d’agost 2009. [Consulta: 22 gener 2009].
«The life of Helen Keller» (en anglès). Royal National Institute of Blind People, 20-11-2008. Arxivat de l'original el 13 d’agost 2009. [Consulta: 22 gener 2009].