«Sun-Times Media Group Inc. 10-K/A». United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 01-05-2006. Arxivat de l'original el 17 setembre 2012. [Consulta: 29 desembre 2006].
«Cable Ties Kissinger to Chile Scandal». Associated Press on Boston.com, 10-04-2010 [Consulta: 14 agost 2014]. «As secretary of state, Henry Kissinger cancelled a U.S. warning against carrying out international political assassinations that was to have gone to Chile and two neighboring nations just days before a former ambassador was killed by Chilean agents on Washington's Embassy Row in 1976, a newly released State Department cable shows.»
Christopher Clary, "Tilting at windmills: The flawed US policy toward the 1971 Indo-Pakistani war". Journal of Strategic Studies 42.5 (2019): 677-700 onlineArxivat August 1, 2020, a Wayback Machine.
«CSIS». CSIS, 2007. Arxivat de l'original el 22 gener 2007. [Consulta: 20 gener 2007].
Gaouette, Nicole. «Henry A. Kissinger». Center for Strategic and International Studies. Arxivat de l'original el 27 març 2014. [Consulta: 15 febrer 2014].
Patti, Carlo; Spektor, Matias «"We Are Not a Nonproliferation Agency": Henry Kissinger's Failed Attempt to Accommodate Nuclear Brazil, 1974–1977». Journal of Cold War Studies, 22, 2, 2020, pàg. 58–93. DOI: 10.1162/jcws_a_00940. ISSN: 1520-3972.
Mundy, Jacob. «The Geopolitical Functions of the Western Sahara Conflict: US Hegemony, Moroccan Stability and Sahrawi Strategies of Resistance. Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of Western Sahara's Protracted Decolonization». A: Global, Regional and Local Dimensions of Western Sahara's Protracted Decolonization, 2017, p. 59–60. DOI10.1057/978-1-349-95035-5_3.
[enllaç sense format]http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2011/06/15/internacional/1308118564.html El criminal de guerra con suerte] No sólo no ha pagado por sus crímenes, sino que sigue recogiendo los beneficios de su "experimentada carrera diplomática". Su consultoría, Kissinger Associates, genera millones de dólares de beneficios aconsejando a grandes multinacionales y gobiernos sobre cómo operar en el extranjero. David Jiménez en El Mundo (España), 16/06/2011
«The Nobel Peace Prize 1973: Presentation Speech by Mrs. Aase Lionaes, Chairman of the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting». Nobel Foundation, 10-12-1973. Arxivat de l'original el 18 maig 2007. [Consulta: 28 abril 2007]. «In his letter of November 2 to the Nobel Committee Henry Kissinger expresses his deep sense of this obligation. In the letter he writes among other things: 'I am deeply moved by the award of the Nobel Peace Prize, which I regard as the highest honor one could hope to achieve in the pursuit of peace on this earth. When I consider the list of those who have been so honored before me, I can only accept this award with humility.' ... This year Henry Kissinger was appointed Secretary-of-State in the United States. In his letter to the Committee he writes as follows: 'I greatly regret that because of the press of business in a world beset by recurrent crisis I shall be unable to come to Oslo on December 10 for the award ceremony. I have accordingly designated Ambassador Byrne to represent me on that occasion.'»
Juan Williams «Pioneers of U.S.-China Relations Attend Olympics». NPR.org. NPR, 12-08-2008 [Consulta: 28 maig 2012]. «Among the political luminaries attending the Beijing Olympics are Henry Kissinger and former President George H.W. Bush.»
«Sun-Times Media Group Inc. 10-K/A». United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 01-05-2006. Arxivat de l'original el 17 setembre 2012. [Consulta: 29 desembre 2006].
«Freeport McMoran Inc. 10-K». United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 31-03-1994. Arxivat de l'original el 12 febrer 2008. [Consulta: 29 desembre 2006].
Nevius, James «Does Hillary Clinton see that invoking Henry Kissinger harms her campaign?». The Guardian, 13-02-2016 [Consulta: 23 octubre 2016]. «many consider Kissinger a war criminal, most famously Christopher Hitchens, who, in a lengthy two-part article for Harper's in 2001 (later expanded into the book and documentary, The Trial of Henry Kissinger), laid out his case that Kissinger should be brought up on charges 'for war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture'.»
«The Nobel Peace Prize 1973: Presentation Speech by Mrs. Aase Lionaes, Chairman of the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting». Nobel Foundation, 10-12-1973. Arxivat de l'original el 18 maig 2007. [Consulta: 28 abril 2007]. «In his letter of November 2 to the Nobel Committee Henry Kissinger expresses his deep sense of this obligation. In the letter he writes among other things: 'I am deeply moved by the award of the Nobel Peace Prize, which I regard as the highest honor one could hope to achieve in the pursuit of peace on this earth. When I consider the list of those who have been so honored before me, I can only accept this award with humility.' ... This year Henry Kissinger was appointed Secretary-of-State in the United States. In his letter to the Committee he writes as follows: 'I greatly regret that because of the press of business in a world beset by recurrent crisis I shall be unable to come to Oslo on December 10 for the award ceremony. I have accordingly designated Ambassador Byrne to represent me on that occasion.'»
Christopher Clary, "Tilting at windmills: The flawed US policy toward the 1971 Indo-Pakistani war". Journal of Strategic Studies 42.5 (2019): 677-700 onlineArxivat August 1, 2020, a Wayback Machine.
«Freeport McMoran Inc. 10-K». United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 31-03-1994. Arxivat de l'original el 12 febrer 2008. [Consulta: 29 desembre 2006].
Gaouette, Nicole. «Henry A. Kissinger». Center for Strategic and International Studies. Arxivat de l'original el 27 març 2014. [Consulta: 15 febrer 2014].
Navasky, Victor. A Matter of Opinion. 1st. Nova York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2005, p. 298. ISBN 0-374-29997-8. OCLC56615627.
Patti, Carlo; Spektor, Matias «"We Are Not a Nonproliferation Agency": Henry Kissinger's Failed Attempt to Accommodate Nuclear Brazil, 1974–1977». Journal of Cold War Studies, 22, 2, 2020, pàg. 58–93. DOI: 10.1162/jcws_a_00940. ISSN: 1520-3972.