«Stars return in CBGB's last shows.». BBC, 12-10-2006 [Consulta: 21 agost 2007]. «Debbie Harry and Patti Smith are among the artists returning to perform at legendary New York music club CBGB's, ahead of its closure after 33 years. Harry's band Blondie, Smith and acts including The Ramones and Talking Heads found fame after performing at the club which helped launch US punk music.»
«CBGB Founder Hilly Kristal Dies At 75». Billboard [Consulta: 1r setembre 2007]. «Kristal was born in Manhattan in 1931 but his family relocated to Hightstown, New Jersey, when he was an infant. Kristal va estudiar música des de molt petit, arribant a assistir a la Settlement Music School de Filadèlfia. Posteriorment es va traslladar a Nova York, on va passar les dècades de 1950 i 1960 participant en diverses actuacions musicals, convertint-se finalment en el director del llegendari club de jazz Village Vanguard. Kristal també va passar un període als Marines.»
«Hilly Kristal 1931-2007». NME, 29-08-2007 [Consulta: 21 agost 2007]. «Hilly Kristal, founder of legendary punk venue CBGB has died at the age of 75. Born in New Jersey in 1932, Kristal moved across the Hudson River to New York City at age 18, where he worked as a singer, performing at venues around Manhattan including Radio City Music Hall.»