Gendzier, Irene L. Notes from the Minefield: United States Intervention in Lebanon and the Middle East, 1945–1958. Columbia University Press, 1997, p. 98 [Consulta: 13 febrer 2012]. «Recent investigation..indicates that CIA agents Miles Copeland and Stephen Meade..were directly involved in the coup in which Syrian colonel Husni Za'im seized power. According to then former CIA agent Wilbur Eveland, the coup was carried out in order to obtain Syrian ratification of TAPLINE.»
Gerolymatos, André. Castles Made of Sand: A Century of Anglo-American Espionage and Intervention in the Middle East.. Thomas Dunne books (MacMillan), 2010 [Consulta: 13 febrer 2012]. «Miles Copeland, formerly a CIA agent, has outlined how he and Stephen Meade backed Zaim, and American archival sources confirm that it was during this period that Meade established links with extremist right-wing elements of the Syrian army, who ultimately carried out the coup.»