«Sona 9: Cuarto Segunda + Esparza & Esteban + Joa Lwest». CCMA-Icat, 11-08-2020. [Consulta: 23 agost 2020]. «El viatge amb els aspirants als premis del Sona9 ens porta fins al ...... i l'indie-folk del duet valencià Laura Esparza i Carlos Esteban.»
«French Expression of the day: Être à l'ouest» (en anglès). The Local, 17-12-2018. [Consulta: 24 agost 2020]. «But you can also use this expression to describe someone on a day when they’re feeling a bit off. If someone is à l'ouest it can mean that they are ‘spaced out’, ‘unable to pay attention' or ‘not with it’, normally because they are really, really tired.
Or talking about someone else, Il a oublié qu’on se voyait aujourd'hui. Il est completement à l'ouest. (He forgot that we were seeing each other today. He’s completely spaced out.)»