Fortier, Alcée. Louisiana Folk-Tales. Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society. Vol. 2. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. 1895. pp. 56-61.
de Meyere, Victor. «CLXXX. Sneeuwwitje». A: De Vlaamsche vertelselschat. Deel 2 (en neerlandès). Antwerpen: De Sikkel, 1927, p. 272–279 [Consulta: 23 juny 2021].
Roelans, J. «XLI. Mauricia». A: Wondervertelsels uit Vlaanderen (en neerlandès). 2. Zutphen: W. J. Thieme & CIE, 1924, p. 313–319 [Consulta: 29 juny 2021].
Goldberg, Christine «Review of Steven Swann Jones: The New Comparative Method: Structural and Symbolic Analysis of the Allomotifs of 'Snow White'». The Journal of American Folklore, 106, 419, 1993, pàg. 104. DOI: 10.2307/541351. JSTOR: 541351.
Jones, Steven Swann «The Structure of Snow White». Fabula, 24, 1–2, 1983, pàg. 56–71. DOI: 10.1515/fabl.1983.24.1-2.56. reprinted and slightly expanded in Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allusion, and Paradigm, ed. by Ruth B. Bottigheimer (Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 1986), pp. 165–84. The material is also repeated in a different context in his The New Comparative Method: Structural and Symbolic Analysis of the Allomotifs of Snow White (Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1990).
Orbach, Israel «The Emotional Impact of Frightening Stories on Children». Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 1, 3, 1960, pàg. 379–389. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.1993.tb00999.x. PMID: 8463375.
Bäcker, Jörg «Zhaos Mergen und Zhanglîhuâ Katô. Weibliche Initiation, Schamanismus und Bärenkult in einer daghuro-mongolischen Schneewittchen-Vorform» (en alemany). Fabula, 49, 3–4, 01-12-2008, pàg. 288–324. DOI: 10.1515/FABL.2008.022.
Schmidt, Sigrid «Snow White in Africa». Fabula, 49, 3–4, 01-12-2008, pàg. 268–287. DOI: 10.1515/FABL.2008.021.
Kawan, Christine Shojaei «A Brief Literary History of Snow White». Fabula, 49, 3–4, 2008, pàg. 325–342. DOI: 10.1515/FABL.2008.023.
Liungman, Waldemar. Die Schwedischen Volksmärchen: Herkunft und Geschichte. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022 [1961]. p. 200.
Goldberg, Christine «Review of Steven Swann Jones: The New Comparative Method: Structural and Symbolic Analysis of the Allomotifs of 'Snow White'». The Journal of American Folklore, 106, 419, 1993, pàg. 104. DOI: 10.2307/541351. JSTOR: 541351.
Orbach, Israel «The Emotional Impact of Frightening Stories on Children». Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 1, 3, 1960, pàg. 379–389. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.1993.tb00999.x. PMID: 8463375.