Hugh Starkey, Professor of Citizenship and Human Rights Education at UCL Institute of Education, London. «Magna Carta and Human rights legislation». British Library. Arxivat de l'original el 22 de novembre 2016. [Consulta: 22 novembre 2016].
Government of Japan. «Major Human Rights Problems». Human Rights Bureau. Ministry of Justice, Japan, 06-03-2009. Arxivat de l'original el 23 abril 2018. [Consulta: 5 juliol 2016].
Hugh Starkey, Professor of Citizenship and Human Rights Education at UCL Institute of Education, London. «Magna Carta and Human rights legislation». British Library. Arxivat de l'original el 22 de novembre 2016. [Consulta: 22 novembre 2016].
Government of Japan. «Major Human Rights Problems». Human Rights Bureau. Ministry of Justice, Japan, 06-03-2009. Arxivat de l'original el 23 abril 2018. [Consulta: 5 juliol 2016].
«Bodhisattwa Gautam vs. Subhra Chakraborty; 1995 ICHRL 69». [World Legal Information Institute]. [Consulta: 25 maig 2006]. This was the case where Fundamental Rights were enforced against private individuals (date of ruling 15 December 1995).