Wu Wen-hao, Pascal Godefroit, Hu Dong-yu «Bolong yixianensis gen. et sp. nov.: A new Iguanodontoid dinosaur from the Yixian Formation of Western Liaoning, China». Geology and Resources, 19, 2, 2010, pàg. 127–133. DOI: CNKI:SUN:GJSD.0.2010-02-011.
Worth, G. (Ed.). N.d. TenchisaurusArxivat 2009-09-21 a Wayback Machine.. In: The Dinosaur Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 16, 2009. Attributes misspelling to a Japanese guide to a Chinese dinosaur exhibit, 1981. And also to Glut, 1982.
Worth, G. (Ed.). N.d. Chondrosteus. In: The Dinosaur Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 16, 2009. Attributes misspelling to Huene, F. von. 1907–1908. Die Dinosaurier der europaischen Triasformation mit Beriicksichtigung der aussereuropaischen Vorkominnisse. Geol. Paleontol. Abhandl. Suppl. 1, p. 1–419.
Worth, G. (Ed.). N.d. TenchisaurusArxivat 2009-09-21 a Wayback Machine.. In: The Dinosaur Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 16, 2009. Attributes misspelling to a Japanese guide to a Chinese dinosaur exhibit, 1981. And also to Glut, 1982.