Dorchester Atheneum. Lucy Stone, 1818-1893 Arxivat 2017-10-11 a Wayback Machine.. "Perhaps Lucy Stone's greatest contribution was in founding and largely financing the weekly newspaper of the American Woman Suffrage Association, the Woman's Journal." Consultat el 9 de maig de 2009.
Electronic Oberlin Group. Oberlin: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow...Lucy Stone (1818-1893). Consultat el 9 de maig de 2009.
Dorchester Atheneum. Lucy Stone, 1818-1893 Arxivat 2017-10-11 a Wayback Machine.. "Perhaps Lucy Stone's greatest contribution was in founding and largely financing the weekly newspaper of the American Woman Suffrage Association, the Woman's Journal." Consultat el 9 de maig de 2009.