Amenaces de la demanda legal:MasterCard International. «infringit pel lloc NETFUNNY.COM», 09-04-2001. Arxivat de l'original el 2014-02-10. [Consulta: 2 desembre 2012].
«SCANDALOUS: Outrage in Nigeria as government brands National ID Card with MasterCard's logo». Premium Times, 29-08-2014. «President Jonathan, who flagged off the rollout, praised the outcome of a partnership between NIMC, MasterCard and Access Bank. "The card is not only a means of certifying your identity, but also a personal database repository and payment card, all in your pocket," Mr. Jonathan said.»
«SCANDALOUS: Outrage in Nigeria as government brands National ID Card with MasterCard's logo». Premium Times, 29-08-2014. «“The new ID card with a MasterCard logo does not represent an identity of a Nigerian. It simply represents a stamped ownership of a Nigerian by an American company,” said Shehu Sani of the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria. “It is reminiscent of the logo pasted on the bodies of African salves [sic] transported across the Atlantic.”»
Amenaces de la demanda legal:MasterCard International. «infringit pel lloc NETFUNNY.COM», 09-04-2001. Arxivat de l'original el 2014-02-10. [Consulta: 2 desembre 2012].