Metilfenidat (Catalan Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Metilfenidat" in Catalan language version.

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218th place
281st place
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3,011th place
2,879th place
9,274th place
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  • Littner M, et al: "Practice parameters for the treatment of narcolepsy: an update for 2000". Sleep. 15 jun 2001;24(4):451-66. PMID: 11403530 | Text complet (PDF) El 1956, Daly i Yoss introduïren l'MFD com a tractament per la narcolepsia. Més tard, n'observaren els efectes en 25 i 36 pacients tractats durant 1-6 mesos amb dosis diàries d'MFD de 40 a 240 mg. Segons Yoss: "La dosi total diària d'MFD hauria de ser tan baixa com 30 mg per la narcolepsia lleu i superior als 100 mg en narcolèpsia greu; a vegades quantitats tan altes com 200 mg són necessàries". Poc després, en un estudi de sèrie de casos dut a terme el 1959, Yoss arribà a utilitzar dosis de 300 mg en un subjecte, sense efectes adversos destacables.

  • Tauber W: "Ritalin: ¿una droga de control social?", a Ekintza Zuzena n.o 26, 2000. Disponible en línea Arxivat 2005-03-09 a Wayback Machine. | Breggin P: "Vital information about Ritalin, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and the politics behind the ADHD/Ritalin movement", a The Antipsychiatry Coalition, 1998. Disponible en línea. Consultat a l'agost del 2007.

  • Markowitz JS, et al: "Ethylphenidate formation in human subjects after the administration of a single dose of methylphenidate and ethanol". Drug Metab Dispos. Jun 2000;28(6):620-4. PMID: 10820132 | Text complet (PDF)

  • Trenton NJ: "Adult use of ADHD drugs up. Study: rate of use doubles among group of adults", en HealthWatch, CBS News, 15 set 2005. Disponible en línia. Consultat a l'agost del 2007.

  • Miller T, Leger MC. "A very childish moral panic: Ritalin", Journal of Medical Humanities. 2003 juny ;24(1-2):9-33 Text complet (PDF) (castellà)

  • Michanie, Claudio: "Diferencias del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención en el niño y el adulto: consideraciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas". A Moizeszowicz, Julio (ed.): Psicofarmacología Psicodinámica IV - Actualizaciones 2004. Buenos Aires: el autor, 2004. ISBN 987-43-8089-6 | Texto completo (PDF)

  • "Commonly requested therapeutic class and product information (actualitzat a febrer del 2006)", a IMS Health, IMS National Sales Perspectives, agost del 2006. Disponible en línia

  • Green List: Annex to the annual statistical report on psychotropic substances (form P). 23a edició, agost del 2003. International Narcotics Board, Vienna International Centre. Text complet (PDF) Arxivat 2012-08-31 a Wayback Machine.

  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals: "Focalin XR(TM) approved for treatment of ADHD in adults, adolescents and children". Medical News Today, 13 jun 2005. Disponible en línea Arxivat 2007-06-30 a Wayback Machine. Consultat a l'octubre del 2007.

  • Peck P: "FDA approves Daytrana transdermal patch for ADHD". MedPage today, 7 abr 2006. Disponible en línea Consultat a l'agost del 2007.

  • "Diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder". NIH Consens Statement. 16-18 de novembre del 1998;16(2):1-37. PMID: 10868163 | Text complet (PDF)
  • Morton WA, Stockton G: "Methylphenidate abuse and psychiatric side effects". Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. Oct 2000;2(5):159-64. PMID: 15014637 | Text complet (PDF) Arxivat 2006-11-14 a Wayback Machine.
  • Lakhan SE, Hagger-Johnson GE «The impact of prescribed psychotropics on youth». Clin Pract Epidemol Ment Health, 3, 2007, pàg. 21. DOI: 10.1186/1745-0179-3-21. PMC: 2100041. PMID: 17949504.
  • Kidd PM «Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: rationale for its integrative management» (PDF). Altern Med Rev, 5, 5, Octubre 2000, pàg. 402-428. Arxivat de l'original el 2004-03-13. PMID: 11056411 [Consulta: 26 setembre 2009]. Arxivat 2004-03-13 a Wayback Machine.
  • Weinberg WA, Brumback RA «The myth of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: symptoms resulting from multiple causes». J. Child Neurol., 7, 4, Octubre 1992, pàg. 431-445; discussion 446-461. DOI: 10.1177/088307389200700420. PMID: 1469255.[Enllaç no actiu]
  • Vegeu PMID: 16297714
  • Vegeu PMID: 16297714
  • Suter W, et al: "Methylphenidate is not clastogenic in cultured human lymphocytes and in the mouse bone-marrow micronucleus test". Mutat Res. 5 sep 2006;607(2):153-9. PMID: 16829163
  • Walitza S, et al: "Does methylphenidate cause a cytogenetic effect in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?". Environ Health Perspect. Jun 2007;115(6):936-40. PMID: 17589603 | Text complet (PDF)
  • Ouellette EM «Legal issues in the treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder». J. Child Neurol., 6 Suppl, 1991, pàg. S68-75. PMID: 2002217.
  • Wallace AE, et al: "Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of methylphenidate in older, depressed, medically ill patients". Am J Psychiatry. Jun 1995;152(6):929-31. PMID: 7755127
  • Grade C, et al: "Methylphenidate in early poststroke recovery: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study". Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1998 sep;79(9):1047-50. PMID: 9749682
  • Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic: Sood A, et al: "Use of methylphenidate in patients with cancer". Am J Hosp Palliat Care. En-feb 2006;23(1):35-40. PMID: 16450661
  • Dalal S, Melzack R: "Psychostimulant drugs potentiate morphine analgesia in the formalin test". J Pain Symptom Manage. Oct 1998;16(4):230-9. PMID: 9803050
  • Hanna A, et al: "A phase II study of methylphenidate for the treatment of fatigue". Support Care Cancer. Mar 2006;14(3):210-5. PMID: 16096772
  • Stoll AL, et al: "Methylphenidate augmentation of serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors: a case series". J Clin Psychiatry. Feb 1996;57(2):72-6. PMID: 8591972
  • Leddy JJ, et al: "Influence of methylphenidate on eating in obese men". Obes Res. Feb 2004;12(2):224-32. PMID: 14981214 | Texto completo Arxivat 2008-02-19 a Wayback Machine.
  • Siddall OM: "Use of methylphenidate in traumatic brain injury". Ann Pharmacother. Jul-ag 2005;39(7-8):1309-13. PMID: 15914519
  • Etchepareborda, MC: "Abordaje neurocognitivo y farmacológico de los trastornos específicos del aprendizaje". Rev Neurol. Feb 1999;28 supl 2:S81-93. PMID: 10778495
  • Grubb BP, et al: "The use of methylphenidate in the treatment of refractory neurocardiogenic syncope". Ann Pharmacother. Jul-ag 2005;39(7-8):1309-13. PMID: 8734752
  • Zametkin AJ, et al: "Cerebral glucose metabolism in adults with hyperactivity of childhood onset". N Engl J Med. 15 nov 1990;323(20):1361-6. PMID: 2233902
  • Wilens TE, Spencer TJ: "The stimulants revisited". Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. Jul 2000;9(3):573-603, VIII. PMID: 10944658
  • Goede A, et al: "SuperDrug: a conformational drug database". Bioinformatics. 1 de maig del 2005;21(9):1751-3. Epub 2 feb 2005. PMID: 10944658
  • Ding YS, et al: "Chiral drugs: comparison of the pharmacokinetics of [11C]d-threo and L-threo-methylphenidate in the human and baboon brain". Psychopharmacology (Berl). Maig del 1997;131(1):71-8. PMID: 9181638
  • Jensen PS, et al: "Psychoactive medication prescribing practices for U.S. children: gaps between research and clinical practice". J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. May 1999;38(5):557-65. PMID: 10230187
  • Mitler MM, et al: "Narcolepsy and its treatment with stimulants. ASDA standards of practice". Sleep. Jun 1994;17(4):352-71. PMID: 7973321
  • Littner M, et al: "Practice parameters for the treatment of narcolepsy: an update for 2000". Sleep. 15 jun 2001;24(4):451-66. PMID: 11403530 | Text complet (PDF) El 1956, Daly i Yoss introduïren l'MFD com a tractament per la narcolepsia. Més tard, n'observaren els efectes en 25 i 36 pacients tractats durant 1-6 mesos amb dosis diàries d'MFD de 40 a 240 mg. Segons Yoss: "La dosi total diària d'MFD hauria de ser tan baixa com 30 mg per la narcolepsia lleu i superior als 100 mg en narcolèpsia greu; a vegades quantitats tan altes com 200 mg són necessàries". Poc després, en un estudi de sèrie de casos dut a terme el 1959, Yoss arribà a utilitzar dosis de 300 mg en un subjecte, sense efectes adversos destacables.
  • Bymaster FP, et al: "Fluoxetine, but not other selective serotonin uptake inhibitors, increases norepinephrine and dopamine extracellular levels in prefrontal cortex". Psychopharmacology (Berl). Abr 2002;160(4):353-61. PMID: 11919662
  • Markowitz JS, et al: "Ethylphenidate formation in human subjects after the administration of a single dose of methylphenidate and ethanol". Drug Metab Dispos. Jun 2000;28(6):620-4. PMID: 10820132 | Text complet (PDF)
  • Wilens TE, et al: "Effects of once-daily osmotic-release methylphenidate on blood pressure and heart rate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: results from a one-year follow-up study". J Clin Psychopharmacol. Feb 2004;24(1):36-41. PMID: 14709945
  • Wilens TE, et al: "Blood pressure changes associated with medication treatment of adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder". J Clin Psychiatry. Feb 2005;66(2):253-9. PMID: 15705013
  • Kooij JJ, et al: "Efficacy and safety of methylphenidate in 45 adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind cross-over trial". Psychol Med. Ag 2004;34(6):973-82. PMID: 15554568
  • Palumbo D, et al: "Emergence of tics in children with ADHD: impact of once-daily OROS methylphenidate therapy". J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2004;14(2):185-94. PMID: 15319016
  • Wilens T, et al: "ADHD treatment with once-daily OROS methylphenidate: final results from a long-term open-label study". J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Oct 2005;44(10):1015-23. PMID: 16175106
  • Wilens T, et al: "ADHD treatment with once-daily OROS methylphenidate: final results from a long-term open-label study". J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Oct 2005;44(10):1015-23. PMID: 16175106
  • Fischman MW, et al: "Cardiovascular and subjective effects of intravenous cocaine administration in humans". Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1976 ag;33(8):983-9. PMID: 949232
  • Volkow ND, et al: "Is methylphenidate like cocaine? Studies on their pharmacokinetics and distribution in the human brain". Arch Gen Psychiatry. Juny 1995;52(6):456-63. PMID: 7771915
  • Volkow ND, Swanson JM: "Variables that affect the clinical use and abuse of methylphenidate in the treatment of ADHD". Am J Psychiatry. Nov 2003;160(11):1909-18. PMID: 14594733 | Text complet (PDF)
  • Mannuzza S, et al: "Does stimulant treatment place children at risk for adult substance abuse? A controlled, prospective follow-up study". J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. Tardor del 2003;13(3):273-82). PMID: 14642015
  • Schubiner H, et al: "Double-blind placebo-controlled trial of methylphenidate in the treatment of adult ADHD patients with comorbid cocaine dependence". Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. Ag 2002;10(3):286-94. PMID: 12233989. (Estudi publicat amb metodologia idònia: doble cec, aleatoritzat, controlat davant placebos.)
  • Levin FR, et al: "Methylphenidate treatment for cocaine abusers with attention-deficit attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a pilot study". J Clin Psychiatry. Jun 1998;59(6):300-5. PMID: 9671342. (Estudis oberts, usant MFD d'alliberació prolongada.)

  • "Diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder". NIH Consens Statement. 16-18 de novembre del 1998;16(2):1-37. PMID: 10868163 | Text complet (PDF)

  • Walitza S, et al: "Does methylphenidate cause a cytogenetic effect in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?". Environ Health Perspect. Jun 2007;115(6):936-40. PMID: 17589603 | Text complet (PDF)

  • Tauber W: "Ritalin: ¿una droga de control social?", a Ekintza Zuzena n.o 26, 2000. Disponible en línea Arxivat 2005-03-09 a Wayback Machine. | Breggin P: "Vital information about Ritalin, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and the politics behind the ADHD/Ritalin movement", a The Antipsychiatry Coalition, 1998. Disponible en línea. Consultat a l'agost del 2007.

  • McKusick VA, et al: "Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder; ADHD", en OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 26 sept 2006. Vegeu: Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) 143465

  • "Medicating kids: statistics on stimulant use", en PBS Frontline, 2001. Disponible en línia. Consultat a l'agost del 2007.

  • Vegeu Charles Bradley, M.D., 1902–1979 Am J Psychiatry 155:968, juliol del 1998.
  • Bradley C: "Behavior of children receiving Benzedrine". Am J Psychiatry. Nov 1937;94:577-85. Resum(anglès)
  • Volkow ND, Swanson JM: "Variables that affect the clinical use and abuse of methylphenidate in the treatment of ADHD". Am J Psychiatry. Nov 2003;160(11):1909-18. PMID: 14594733 | Text complet (PDF)