Semley, John. «Does the world still need Michael Moore?» (en anglès). Maclean's, 18-09-2018. [Consulta: 7 novembre 2022]. «I am able to reach millions of people that the left usually isn’t able to reach,” he says. “The left is used to talking to themselves in the Church of the Left. The difference between me and other people on the American left—and I’ve been very fortunate for this—is that my work can reach into Middle America. It can reach people who don’t even think of themselves as being on the left.»
Moore, Michael; Rovira i Faixa, Francesc (trad.); Amat, Kiko (trad.). Fora els que manen! (en català, traduït de l'anglès). Barcelona: Empúries, 2004, p. 304. ISBN 84-9787-056-5.