Parapsicologia (Catalan Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Parapsicologia" in Catalan language version.

Global rank Catalan rank
1,148th place
3rd place
2nd place
6th place
652nd place
549th place
low place
low place
193rd place
392nd place

  • Kurtz, Paul. «Is Parapsychology a Science?». A: Kendrick Frazier. Paranormal Borderlands of Science. Prometheus Books, 1981, p. 5–23. ISBN 0-87975-148-7. «If parapsychologists can convince the skeptics, then they will have satisfied an essential criterion of a genuine science: the ability to replicate hypotheses in any and all laboratories and under standard experimental conditions. Until they can do that, their claims will continue to be held suspect by a large body of scientists.» 
    Flew, Antony. Parapsychology: Science or Pseudoscience? in Philosophy of Science and the Occult. State University of New York Press, 1982. ISBN 978-0873955720. 
    Bunge, Mario «A skeptic's beliefs and disbeliefs». New Ideas in Psychology, 9, 2, 1991, pàg. 131–149. DOI: 10.1016/0732-118X(91)90017-G.
    Blitz, David «The line of demarcation between science and nonscience: The case of psychoanalysis and parapsychology». New Ideas in Psychology, 9, 2, 1991, pàg. 163–170. DOI: 10.1016/0732-118X(91)90020-M.
  • Alcock, James. Parapsychology-Science Or Magic?: A Psychological Perspective. Pergamon Press, 1981, p. 194–196. ISBN 978-0080257730. 
    Hacking, Ian «Some reasons for not taking parapsychology very seriously». Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, 32, 3, 1993, p. 587–594. DOI: 10.1017/s0012217300012361.
    Bierman, DJ; Spottiswoode, JP; Bijl, A «Testing for Questionable Research Practices in a Meta-Analysis: An Example from Experimental Parapsychology». PLoS ONE, 11, 5, 2016, p. 1. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153049. «We consider [questionable research practices] in the context of a meta-analysis database of Ganzfeld–telepathy experiments from the field of experimental parapsychology. The Ganzfeld database is particularly suitable for this study, because the parapsychological phenomenon it investigates is widely believed to be nonexistent.»

  • Alcock, James. Parapsychology-Science Or Magic?: A Psychological Perspective. Pergamon Press, 1981, p. 194–196. ISBN 978-0080257730. 
    Hacking, Ian «Some reasons for not taking parapsychology very seriously». Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, 32, 3, 1993, p. 587–594. DOI: 10.1017/s0012217300012361.
    Bierman, DJ; Spottiswoode, JP; Bijl, A «Testing for Questionable Research Practices in a Meta-Analysis: An Example from Experimental Parapsychology». PLoS ONE, 11, 5, 2016, p. 1. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153049. «We consider [questionable research practices] in the context of a meta-analysis database of Ganzfeld–telepathy experiments from the field of experimental parapsychology. The Ganzfeld database is particularly suitable for this study, because the parapsychological phenomenon it investigates is widely believed to be nonexistent.»