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Khatirat va Mubarizat-i Hojjatolislam Mohammad Taqi Falsafi [THE MEMORIES AND CAMPAIGNS OF HOJJATOL-ISLAM MOHAMMAD TAQI FALSAFI] (Ali Davani, ed., The Center for Islamic Revolution Documents, 2003) translated in Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. «A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran» (PDF). Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, 2007. Arxivat de l'original el 2007-06-11. [Consulta: 3 març 2007].
Abdulreza Hushang Mahdavi. Guftugu Ha-i Man ba Shah, Khatirat-i Mahramaniyyih Asadollah 'Alam [My Conversations with the Shah, the Secret Memoirs of Asadollah 'Alam]. 3d. Tehran: Tarh-i Naw Publications, 1992, p. 66–67. translated in Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. «A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran» (PDF). Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, 2007. Arxivat de l'original el 2007-06-11. [Consulta: 3 març 2007].
Khatirat va Mubarizat-i Hojjatolislam Mohammad Taqi Falsafi [THE MEMORIES AND CAMPAIGNS OF HOJJATOL-ISLAM MOHAMMAD TAQI FALSAFI] (Ali Davani, ed., The Center for Islamic Revolution Documents, 2003) translated in Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. «A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran» (PDF). Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, 2007. Arxivat de l'original el 2007-06-11. [Consulta: 3 març 2007].
Abdulreza Hushang Mahdavi. Guftugu Ha-i Man ba Shah, Khatirat-i Mahramaniyyih Asadollah 'Alam [My Conversations with the Shah, the Secret Memoirs of Asadollah 'Alam]. 3d. Tehran: Tarh-i Naw Publications, 1992, p. 66–67. translated in Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. «A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran» (PDF). Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, 2007. Arxivat de l'original el 2007-06-11. [Consulta: 3 març 2007].