«Rachel's environment and Health weekly» (en anglès). De: Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) (pg. A4), 11 d'abril de 2007 The Mystery of the missing boys; Chemical pollutants flagged in new study as possible factor in skewed sex ratio By Martin Mittelstaedt, Environment Reporter.
Bill C-45 (Projecte de Llei C-45) va formar part dels Projectes de llei Òmnibus del 41è Parlament canadenc i va ser una «segona llei per implementar determinades disposicions del pressupost presentat al Parlament el 29 de març de 2012 i altres mesures». El Projecte de llei C-45 va ser aprovat el 14 de desembre de 2012.
«Indigenous peoples and communities» (en anglès). Govern del Canadà (Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada), 11-06-2021.«The Canadian Constitution recognizes three groups of Aboriginal peoples: Indians (more commonly referred to as First Nations), Inuit and Métis. These are three distinct peoples with unique histories, languages, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs.»
McDonald, A. «Indigenous peoples' vulnerabilities exposed: Lessons learned from Canada's Minamata incident: An Environmental analysis based on the case study of methyl-mercury pollution in northwestern Ontario, Canada». A: JACS Conference 2007 ( PDF) (en anglès). Japanese Association for Canadian Studies.
«Aboriginal Corrections» (en anglès). Correctional Service Canada.At the end of March 2007, Aboriginal people accounted for 17.0% of federally sentenced offenders although the general Aboriginal population is only 2.7% of the Canadian adult population.
«First Nations Comparable Health Indicators» (en anglès). Health Canada First Nations, Inuit & Aboriginal Health Diseases & Health Conditions (Govern del Canadà) Government of Canada, 16-03-2007.
«Life Expectancy» (en anglès). Our Voices: First Nations, Metis, and Inuit GBA, 2009.