Platt, Suzy. Respectfully quoted. Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 1992. ISBN 978-0-88029-768-4."Attributed to Richard Cardinal Cushing. Everett Dirksen and Herbert V. Prochnow, Quotation Finder, p. 55 (1971). Unverified."
Catherine Barnard, The Personal Scope of the Employment RelationshipArxivat 2013-01-26 a Wayback Machine., in T.Araki and S.Ouchi (eds), The Mechanism for establishing and Changing Terms and Conditions of Employment/The Scope of Labor Law and the Notion of Employees, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Report, 2004, vol.1, 131-136.
Catherine Barnard, The Personal Scope of the Employment RelationshipArxivat 2013-01-26 a Wayback Machine., in T.Araki and S.Ouchi (eds), The Mechanism for establishing and Changing Terms and Conditions of Employment/The Scope of Labor Law and the Notion of Employees, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Report, 2004, vol.1, 131-136.