Hecht, Jeff. «Re: Venomous Therapsid». The Dinosaur Mailing List. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-11-11. [Consulta: 26 març 2012]. (contains a copy of a draft of material author Hecht wrote for New Scientist regarding 2000 abstract and reaction)
Derstler, K., and Miller, M.M. (2007). "Anatomy and function of digit III of the Tyrannosaurus rex manus." Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 39(6): 77. AbstractArxivat 2008-02-24 a Wayback Machine..
Bennett, S.C. «Sexual dimorphism of Pteranodon and other pterosaurs, with comments on cranial crests». Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 12, 4, 1992, pàg. 422–434. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.1992.10011472.
Derstler, K., and Miller, M.M. (2007). "Anatomy and function of digit III of the Tyrannosaurus rex manus." Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 39(6): 77. AbstractArxivat 2008-02-24 a Wayback Machine..
Hecht, Jeff. «Re: Venomous Therapsid». The Dinosaur Mailing List. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-11-11. [Consulta: 26 març 2012]. (contains a copy of a draft of material author Hecht wrote for New Scientist regarding 2000 abstract and reaction)