Timm, R. M.; Mortimer, J «Selection of Roost Sites by Honduran White Bats, Ectophylla Alba (Chiroptera: Phyllostomatidae)». Ecology. Ecological Society of America, vol.57, n.2, 3-1976, pp.385–389. DOI: 10.2307/1934829. JSTOR: 1934829.(anglès)
Timm, R. M.; Mortimer, J «Selection of Roost Sites by Honduran White Bats, Ectophylla Alba (Chiroptera: Phyllostomatidae)». Ecology. Ecological Society of America, vol.57, n.2, 3-1976, pp.385–389. DOI: 10.2307/1934829. JSTOR: 1934829.(anglès)