«Translation & Cultural Notes». The Super Dimension Fortress Macross Liner Notes. AnimEigo, 21-12-2001. Arxivat de l'original el 2008-12-30. [Consulta: 12 febrer 2012]. «According to the liner notes of the AnimEigo DVD release of the Macross TV series Gunsight One was also the fanzine title of the Gundam fan club that creator Shoji Kawamori, character designer Haruhiko Mikimoto, and writer Hiroshi Oonogi (members number 1, 2, and 3 of said club) founded while they were students at Keio University in Japan...»
«Translation & Cultural Notes». The Super Dimension Fortress Macross Liner Notes. AnimEigo, 21-12-2001. Arxivat de l'original el 2008-12-30. [Consulta: 12 febrer 2012]. «According to the liner notes of the AnimEigo DVD release of the Macross TV series Gunsight One was also the fanzine title of the Gundam fan club that creator Shoji Kawamori, character designer Haruhiko Mikimoto, and writer Hiroshi Oonogi (members number 1, 2, and 3 of said club) founded while they were students at Keio University in Japan...»