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Kimura, Hideo «Hydrogen sulfide as a neuromodulator». Molecular Neurobiology, 26, 1, 2002, pàg. 13–19. DOI: 10.1385/MN:26:1:013. PMID: 12392053.
Roberta d'Emmanuele di Villa Biancaa, Raffaella Sorrentinoa, Pasquale Maffiaa, Vincenzo Mironeb, Ciro Imbimbob, Ferdinando Fuscob, Raffaele De Palmad, Louis J. Ignarroe und Giuseppe Cirino «Hydrogen sulfide as a mediator of human corpus cavernosum smooth-muscle relaxation». PNAS, 106, 11, 2009, pàg. 4513–8. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0807974105. PMC: 2657379. PMID: 19255435.
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Benavides, Gloria A; Giuseppe L Squadrito, Robert W Mills, Hetal D Patel, T Scott Isbell, Rakesh P Patel, Victor M Darley-Usmar, Jeannette E Doeller, David W Kraus «Hydrogen sulfide mediates the vasoactivity of garlic». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104, 46, 13-11-2007, pàg. 17977–17982. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0705710104. PMC: 2084282. PMID: 17951430.
Universitat de Califòrnia a San Diego (2011, March 21). Primordial soup gets spicier: 'Lost' samples from famous origin of life researcher shed new light on Earth's first life. ScienceDaily. from