Jerry Siegel. Creation of a Superhero (memòria inèdita, escrita cap al 1978; escaneig disponible a Dropbox "In movies, I had seen "The Scarlet Pimpernel", "The Mark of Zorro" and Rudolph Valentino in "The Eagle", and I thought that a mighty hero, who in another identity pretended to be an ineffectual weakling, made for great dramatic contrast. In addition, it would, in a comic strip, permit some humorous characterization." (A les pel·lícules, havia vist "The Scarlet Pimpernel", "The Mark of Zorro" i Rudolph Valentino a "The Eagle", i vaig pensar que un heroi poderós, que en una altra identitat es feia passar per un feble ineficaç, feia un gran contrast dramàtic. A més, permetria, en una tira còmica, alguna caracterització humorística".)
Siegel: "We especially loved some of those movies in which Harold Lloyd would start off as a sort of momma's boy being pushed around, kicked around, thrown around, and then suddenly would turn into a fighting whirlwind." Shuster: "I was kind of mild-mannered and wore glasses so I really identified with it" (Jo era una mica de modalitat suau i portava ulleres, així que m'hi vaig identificar realment) Anthony Wall (1981). Superman – The Comic Strip Hero (Television production). BBC. Dura 00:04:50. Arxivat de l'original el December 28, 2015.
Siegel: "We especially loved some of those movies in which Harold Lloyd would start off as a sort of momma's boy being pushed around, kicked around, thrown around, and then suddenly would turn into a fighting whirlwind." Shuster: "I was kind of mild-mannered and wore glasses so I really identified with it" (Jo era una mica de modalitat suau i portava ulleres, així que m'hi vaig identificar realment) Anthony Wall (1981). Superman – The Comic Strip Hero (Television production). BBC. Dura 00:04:50. Arxivat de l'original el December 28, 2015.