Cecilie Beatson (29 novembre 2011). Animal Species: Inland Taipan "The venom of the Inland Taipan is extremely potent and is rated as the most toxic of all snake venoms in LD50 tests on mice". Australian Museum. Consultat 14 octubre 2013.
Cecilie Beatson (29 novembre 2011). Animal Species: Inland Taipan "The venom of the Inland Taipan is extremely potent and is rated as the most toxic of all snake venoms in LD50 tests on mice". Australian Museum. Consultat 14 octubre 2013.
Cecilie Beatson (29 novembre 2011). Animal Species: Inland Taipan "The venom of the Inland Taipan is extremely potent and is rated as the most toxic of all snake venoms in LD50 tests on mice". Australian Museum. Consultat 14 octubre 2013.
Cecilie Beatson (29 novembre 2011). Animal Species: Inland Taipan "The venom of the Inland Taipan is extremely potent and is rated as the most toxic of all snake venoms in LD50 tests on mice". Australian Museum. Consultat 14 octubre 2013.
Fohlman, J. «Comparison of two highly toxic Australian snake venoms: The taipan (Oxyuranus s. scutellatus) and the fierce snake (Parademansia microlepidotus)». Toxicon, 17, 2, 1979, pàg. 170–2. DOI: 10.1016/0041-0101(79)90296-4. PMID: 442105.
White, Julian (novembre 1991). Oxyuranus microlepidotus. "La paràlisi neurotòxica sol trigar entre 2 i 4 hores a ser clínicament detectable. No obstant això, la coagulopatia es pot establir en els 30 minuts següents a la mossegada" International Programme on Chemical Safety. Consultat 8 novembre 2013.
Fohlman, J. «Comparison of two highly toxic Australian snake venoms: The taipan (Oxyuranus s. scutellatus) and the fierce snake (Parademansia microlepidotus)». Toxicon, 17, 2, 1979, pàg. 170–2. DOI: 10.1016/0041-0101(79)90296-4. PMID: 442105.
«Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane». Ozanimals Travel - Your guide to Australian Nature Experiences, 28-06-2009. Arxivat de l'original el 2 d’octubre 2016. [Consulta: 29 setembre 2016].
Fry, BryanArxivat 2014-04-19 a Wayback Machine. (8 febrer 2005) Most VenomousArxivat 2014-10-17 a Wayback Machine.,"Q;I was wondering what snakes venom is the most potent to humans A:Drop for drop it is the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), which has a venom more toxic than any other land snake or even the sea snakes." venomdoc.com Forums, Consultat 17 abril 2014.
Journal of Herpetology Vol.17 no.1 (1983) Ecology of Highly Venoumous Snakes: the Australian Genus Oxyuranus. "..the number of mouse LD50 doses per bite is much higher for Oxyuranus microlepidotus (218,000 mice)...than for any other snakes, including sea snakes, investigated to date (Broad, Sutherland and Coulter, 1979)." (page 1) University of Sydney. Consultat 8 novembre 2013.
Journal of Herpetology Vol.17 no.1 (1983) Ecology of Highly Venoumous Snakes: the Australian Genus Oxyuranus. "..the number of mouse LD50 doses per bite is much higher for Oxyuranus microlepidotus (218,000 mice)...than for any other snakes, including sea snakes, investigated to date (Broad, Sutherland and Coulter, 1979)." (page 1) University of Sydney. Consultat 8 novembre 2013.
Journal of Herpetology Vol.17 no.1 (1983) Ecology of Highly Venoumous Snakes: the Australian Genus Oxyuranus. "..the number of mouse LD50 doses per bite is much higher for Oxyuranus microlepidotus (218,000 mice)...than for any other snakes, including sea snakes, investigated to date (Broad, Sutherland and Coulter, 1979)." (page 1) University of Sydney. Consultat 8 novembre 2013.
Fry, BryanArxivat 2014-04-19 a Wayback Machine. (8 febrer 2005) Most VenomousArxivat 2014-10-17 a Wayback Machine.,"Q;I was wondering what snakes venom is the most potent to humans A:Drop for drop it is the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), which has a venom more toxic than any other land snake or even the sea snakes." venomdoc.com Forums, Consultat 17 abril 2014.
Fry, BryanArxivat 2014-04-19 a Wayback Machine. (8 febrer 2005) Most VenomousArxivat 2014-10-17 a Wayback Machine.,"Q;I was wondering what snakes venom is the most potent to humans A:Drop for drop it is the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), which has a venom more toxic than any other land snake or even the sea snakes." venomdoc.com Forums, Consultat 17 abril 2014.
«Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane». Ozanimals Travel - Your guide to Australian Nature Experiences, 28-06-2009. Arxivat de l'original el 2 d’octubre 2016. [Consulta: 29 setembre 2016].