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Makarchikov AF, Lakaye B, Gulyai IE, Czerniecki J, Coumans B, Wins P, Grisar T and Bettendorff L «Thiamine triphosphate and thiamine triphosphatase activities: from bacteria to mammals». Cell. Mol. Life Sci, 60, 7, 2003, pàg. 1477–1488. DOI: 10.1007/s00018-003-3098-4. PMID: 12943234.
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Bruce WR, Furrer R, Shangari N, O’Brien PJ, Medline A, Wang Y «Marginal dietary thiamin deficiency induces the formation of colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in rats». Cancer Lett, 202, 2, 2003, pàg. 125–129. DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2003.08.005. PMID: 14643441.
Langlais PJ «Pathogenesis of diencephalic lesions in an experimental model of Wernicke's encephalopathy». Metab Brain Dis, 10, 1, 1995, pàg. 31–44. DOI: 10.1007/BF01991781. PMID: 7596327.
Bettendorff L. and Wins P. «Thiamin diphosphate in biological chemistry : new aspects of thiamin metabolism, especially triphosphate derivatives acting other than as cofactors». FEBS J., 276, 11, 2009, pàg. 2917–2925. DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2009.07017.x. PMID: 19490098.
Kopriva, V; Bilkovic, R; Licko, T «Tumours of the small intestine (author's transl)». Ceskoslovenska gastroenterologie a vyziva, 31, 8, Dec 1977, pàg. 549–53. ISSN: 0009-0565. PMID: 603941.
Beissel, J «The role of right catheterization in valvular prosthesis surveillance (author's transl)». Annales de cardiologie et d'angeiologie, 26, 6, Dec 1977, pàg. 587–9. ISSN: 0003-3928. PMID: 606152.