«The Situation in South Vietnam - SNIE 53-2-63» (en anglès). The Pentagon Papers. Gravel Edition, 1963, pp.729-733. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-11-09 [Consulta: 4 desembre 2011]. «President Diem, his family, and a large proportion of the top leaders of the regime are Roman Catholics, in a population that is 70 to 80 percent Buddhist»»
«South Viet Nam: The Religious Crisis» (en anglès). Time, 14-06-1963. Arxivat de l'original el 2020-04-20. [Consulta: 4 desembre 2011]. «South Viet Nam's Buddhists, who comprise 80% of the country's 15 million people, are bitter over alleged favoritism by Diệm and his Catholic ruling family toward the nation's 1,500,000 Catholics»
«South Viet Nam: The Religious Crisis» (en anglès). Time, 14-06-1963. Arxivat de l'original el 2020-04-20. [Consulta: 4 desembre 2011]. «South Viet Nam's Buddhists, who comprise 80% of the country's 15 million people, are bitter over alleged favoritism by Diệm and his Catholic ruling family toward the nation's 1,500,000 Catholics»
«The Situation in South Vietnam - SNIE 53-2-63» (en anglès). The Pentagon Papers. Gravel Edition, 1963, pp.729-733. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-11-09 [Consulta: 4 desembre 2011]. «President Diem, his family, and a large proportion of the top leaders of the regime are Roman Catholics, in a population that is 70 to 80 percent Buddhist»»