Greenberg, Clement: Avant Garde AttitudesArxivat 2023-06-23 a Wayback Machine., 1968. The Jon Power Lecture in Contemporary Art, 17 Mai 1968. First published in: In Memory of John Joseph Wardell Power. Power Institute of Fine Arts, University of Sydney, 1969. Republished in: Greenberg, Clement: The Collected Essays and Criticism. volume 4: Modernism with a Vengeance, 1957-1969. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1993, p. 292, 299.
Gerwen, Rob van: Introducing My Philosophical Directions: Plato's Cave. Universiteit Utrecht 2009.
Greenberg, Clement: Avant Garde AttitudesArxivat 2023-06-23 a Wayback Machine., 1968. The Jon Power Lecture in Contemporary Art, 17 Mai 1968. First published in: In Memory of John Joseph Wardell Power. Power Institute of Fine Arts, University of Sydney, 1969. Republished in: Greenberg, Clement: The Collected Essays and Criticism. volume 4: Modernism with a Vengeance, 1957-1969. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1993, p. 292, 299.