«Cryptography Legend Whit Diffie Joins the ICANN Team» (PDF). ICANN News Release. ICANN, 14-05-2010. [Consulta: 28 gener 2011]. «Globally recognized as a leader in public-key cryptography, encryption and network security, Diffie has a long and distinguished career as a leading force for innovative thought. He brings extensive experience in the design, development and implementation of security methods for networks. ... Prior to coming to ICANN, Diffie served as Vice President, Fellow, and Chief Security Officer with Sun Microsystems, at which he had worked from 1991 to 2009. At Sun, Diffie focused on the most fundamental security problems facing modern communications and computing with emphasis on public policy as well as technology. Prior to joining Sun, Diffie was Manager of Secure Systems Research for Northern Telecom, where he played a key role in the design of Northern's first packet security product and in developing the group that was later to become Entrust.»
«The People at Oracle Labs». Bio. Oracle Corporation, n.d.. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-18. [Consulta: 28 gener 2011]. «Whitfield Diffie, Cap de Seguretat de Sun Microsystems, és Vicepresident i Sun Fellow i és a Sun des de 1991. Com a Cap de Seguretat, Diffie és l'exponent màxim de la visió de seguretat de Sun i és el responsable de desenvolupar l'estratègia de Sun per aconseguir aquesta visió.»
«The People at Oracle Labs». Bio. Oracle Corporation, n.d.. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-18. [Consulta: 28 gener 2011]. «Whitfield Diffie, Cap de Seguretat de Sun Microsystems, és Vicepresident i Sun Fellow i és a Sun des de 1991. Com a Cap de Seguretat, Diffie és l'exponent màxim de la visió de seguretat de Sun i és el responsable de desenvolupar l'estratègia de Sun per aconseguir aquesta visió.»