Emanuelis Zingeris, Yiddish cultureArxivat March 30, 2012, a Wayback Machine., Council of Europe Committee on Culture and Education Doc. 7489, febrer 12, 1996. Consultat octubre 17, 2006.
Kleine, Ane «Standard Yiddish» (en anglès). Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 33, 2, 12-2003, pàg. 261–265. DOI: 10.1017/S0025100303001385. ISSN: 1475-3502.
Diesing, Molly «Verb Movement and the Subject Position in Yiddish». Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 8, 1, 1990, p. 41–79. DOI: 10.1007/BF00205531.
Miner, Kenneth L. «Yiddish V/1 Declarative Clauses in Discourse». IPrA Papers in Pragmatics, 4.1/2, 1–2, 1990, p. 122–149. DOI: 10.1075/iprapip.4.1-2.03min.
Katz, Dovid (1987). Grammar of the Yiddish Language. London: Duckworth. p. 84, section 5.5.4. Katz notes that the ending remains -n after ng or nk.
Matras, Yaron. "Archive of Endangered and Smaller Languages: Yiddish". University of Manchester. humanities.manchester.ac.uk. Matres explains that with the emigration of Jews eastward into Slavic-speaking areas of Central Europe, from around the twelfth century onward, Yiddish "took on an independent development path", adding: "It was only in this context that Jews began to refer to their language as 'Yiddish' (= 'Jewish'), while earlier, it had been referred to as 'Yiddish-Taitsh' (='Judeo-German')."
Emanuelis Zingeris, Yiddish cultureArxivat March 30, 2012, a Wayback Machine., Council of Europe Committee on Culture and Education Doc. 7489, febrer 12, 1996. Consultat octubre 17, 2006.
Kleine, Ane «Standard Yiddish» (en anglès). Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 33, 2, 12-2003, pàg. 261–265. DOI: 10.1017/S0025100303001385. ISSN: 1475-3502.